Chapter 3

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I wake up in an unusually white room which honestly looks quite ugly. Where am I? I look to my left and Jase is sitting there asleep on a white couch. Awwww. I look to my right and there is a bedside table which has a water jug on it. I grab a glass which is sitting beside it and pour some water into it. i raise the glass to my lips and drink it. right then someone walks into the room wearing whats looks like a nurses uniform and that's when i realize I'm in a hospital "Why the hell am i in the hospital!?" "calm down darling you just fainted because you hadn't drunk enough during the day, you will be able to go home in an hour or so" the nurse replies "how long have i been here?" "about half an hour" ok so it wasn't as bad as i thought it would be. phew. "ok good ill still be able to do the cheerleading routine tomrrow" "unfortunatly you wont be able to actually. you wont be able to do any excercise or anything of that sort untill monday." "but i Have to do cheerleading tomorrow!" "sorry but you cant" with that the nurse walks out. i look back at jase and see that he is awake. "Jase i cant do cheerleading tomorrow!" "Dont be such a drama queen its just one performance your gonna miss" he says while rolling his eyes. I just pout in response. This isn't fair I've never missed a cheerleading practice let alone a performance. I know that my team can do it without me but i really want to do it. I get up and of my bed and see that I'm still in my school clothes "Well whatever I'm going home now" I walk outside and see the nurse standing there. "Where do you think your going we haven't discharged you yet?!" I roll my eyes at her and continue walking outside. As i exit the building glad to see my car parked in the parking lot. I head over to it and grab the keys out of my pocket. I hop into the drivers seat and turn the key in the ignition. Glancing to the entrance of the hospital I see Jase standing there looking at me. His eyes are flicking from emotion to emotion so quickly i cant recognise them. But i recognise one and it was definitely love.

I enter my house and head up to my room flopping on my bed. I think back to the hospital and hope that somehow i was mistaken and that I didn't see love in Jase's eyes. For once in my life i really hope i saw wrong. I get up and go to my closet changing into a singlet and some shorts. I go over to my window and open it to let some fresh air into my room. I see something move in the window opposite mine. What could that have been? The house opposite me doesn't have anyone living there. I look closer into the room opposite mine and see a bed. Just then something or should i saw someone pops into the window. "Did your mother never teach you not to be nosey" OMG. That is the only words i have for the cute boy opposite me. He has jet black hair which looks absolutely perfect. He has tanned skin and bright blue eyes. This boy is so cute. "Do you live there?" i ask him. "Of course i do i wouldn't just barge into someone else's house that would be weird" "haha very funny no one has lived in that house for a while. I was just asking a simple question" "ok well I do live here, I moved here today." Oh no, what if hes going to my school he could tell everyone that im really rich and that would bring along lots of fake friends and gold digging boyfriends among other things. "what school are you going to be going to?" I ask while hoping that he doesnt say my school. "North palm High School" my eyes open so wide i swear they probably look like saucers. This is very bad! I turn away from the boy standing oppisite me and pull my curtains closed. I really hope he doesnt say anything at school!

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