Chapter 2

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I woke up and glanced over at my clock, ok its 8:15. Hold on 8:15 I'm going to be late! I quickly jumped out of bed and getting in the shower. Five minutes later I am out. I went into my wardrobe and grabbed some skinny jeans, a cute lacy top and a jacket. I straighten my hair leaving it with a little curl at the bottom. I grab my already packed bag and my phone. 8:30. Just enough time to grab an apple for some breakfast. I grab an apple off the counter in the kitchen and head out into my car before driving to school.

I step into art just as the bell rings. Few, that was close, not that I would have gotten detention or a single mark against my record anyway. I get out my sketch pad and a pencil setting them on my desk. I put my bag down and sit in my seat. I start to sketch a picture of a cute kitten, as i had finished the landscape picture yesterday and everyone else was still working on that. Hands cover my eyes from behind and the person says,
"guess who?"
It is Jason. I turn quickly and hug him.
"OMG Jase did you just transfer to here?" Jase has always been my best friend of all time but even he doesn't know my secret.
"Yup, now your pretty little face will get to see me everyday" He says exaggerating the ending by carrying the e. "Cute kitten by the way" he adds. I laugh a little.
"What classes do you have?" I ask as we both sit down.
"I have art, biology, english, maths then economics in that order" he says reciting his schedule to me.
"I have art english and maths with you, I cant believe you transferred, I am so happy to see you again, and everyday at that!" I say to him excitedly. He smiles at me and then we both settle down and start drawing. I look over at his drawing a few times, he is doing the landscape picture, it looks to me like a field with tall grass and a stream to the side. The bell rings to tell us it is time for next period and Jase and I walk out.
"Wait for me outside the science block and I'll come find you, kay?" I say to him, I will find him and take him to my groups area.
"Kay, will do" he says as he walks away.

I went out to the field where the cheerleaders wait for me, "Okay, cause its friday and we've already learned the routine for the weekend i don't think we need to practice. This can be a free period. I'll see you all at 5:00 tomorrow!" I walk away and over to my car deciding I would quickly drive into town and get a drink from Starbucks. After I grab a drink from Starbucks I drive back to school and went to wait outside the science block because there was only a few more minutes until the end of period 2. I lean against the wall and sip on my Starbucks. About a mintute later the bell rings and Jase comes and links his arm with mine.

I lead him over to the table where my friends are already waiting.
"Oohh, who is the hottie?"Hannah asks as we sit down at the table
"My best friend" I say and shoot her a warning glance. I grab a slice of chocolate cake out of my bag. I see all my friends have their mouths open and are dribbling slightly "Close your mouth and stop dribbling" I say to them all, laughing as they instantly snap their mouths closed.
"Please can we hang this weekend you can still change your mind and your hottie best friend can come!" Hannah says trying to bribe me.
I laugh "nope, still busy sorry"
"Oh come on, that would be fun" Jason whispers to me.
"No I'm busy and that is my final answer there is no need to discuss this anymore!" Just as I finish talking the bell rings "come on guys we all have English together, let's go" I say standing up.

We walk into the English room and sit at a table that has four seats so we can all sit together the teacher hands out a book and says that we need to read up to chapter 3 and if we get to chapter three in class we have no homework but if we don't get to chapter three then we have to get to it for homework. We all get reading as none of us want to have homework. Jason is the first to finish. About five minutes after he finishes, I finish and then the bell rings.  Hannah and Scarlett have homework to do, poor them. Jason and I say goodbye to Hannah and Scarlett and head over to maths.

Jason and I get to maths just as the bell rings we sit at a table with two seats at the back of the classroom and sit chatting while the teacher talks about algebra or something. I'm surprised the teacher let us stay together but as I say, perks of them knowing who I am. We talk the whole period and catch up on what we have missed in the past week that we haven't talked which surprisingly is quite a lot of things. When the bell rings we head to our lunch table.

When we get there we sit down and I grab my chicken salad out of my bag and begin to eat it, it is really good. I finish it and put the container in my bag. I fold my arms on the table and lay my head on them.
"Hey you alright?" Jase whispers in my ear.
"Yeah just tired I think"
"Wanna ditch last period and you can come to mine and watch some movies with me" he suggests.
"Can't today have a dance assessment, maybe another day" I say smiling half heartedly.

The bell rings and I go over to the dance room and get changed. I walk in and the teacher gets us to sit down on the sides of the room so the groups have enough room to perform in. One group goes before us and then its our turn. I stand up and I feel really dizzy. I fall to the floor and bang my head then everything goes black.

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