Chapter 22

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~~Olivia's P.O.V.~~

I wake up with a pounding headache. What happened last night? Slowly last nights events come back to me. Brody breaking the photo frame, Brody telling me he liked me, Me telling Brody that I liked him to, Me telling Brody about my past. I must have a headache because of crying last night. I untangle myself from Brody and get up going over into my bathroom. I grab a glass out of a cabinet and fill it with water. I grab some panadol out of the cupboard and take it hoping to ease my headache. I head back out into my room and sit at my desk watching Brody sleep. He looks so peaceful asleep.

"See something you like?" He asks peaking open his eyes.

"Yes" I say genuinly nodding at him. He looks at me like he's shocked. Maybe he expected me to just act like nothing happened last night. Who knows?

"Do you wanna go out today?" He asks me.

"I should really study.." I say trailing off. I don't want to study but I know I need to, I have my first exam tomorrow morning. He looks at me with puppy dog eyes and as much as I don't wanty to I give in, I can always study later, right? "finnnnneeee" I say streching the word out longer than neccesary.

"Yay, anyway i have to go, I'll pick you up at 7 tonight, don't eat before" He says before getting up. "By the way can I use your shower?" He asks I nod at him laughing. Once he goes inside I go downstairs and into the kitchen. I go outside to get my mail figuring they're probably be something in the mailbox.

I open it and find 3 awaiting envelopes. The first one is addressed to my mum and is probably a bill, the second was the was addressed to me and the last one was also addressed to me. I open the second one first and see a handwritten note with my name written neatly on the front. I open it and begin to read it.

Dear Olivia.

I am sorry to be the one to inform you of the passing of your aunt, Esmerelda. I am your aunt's lawyer and I invite you to her will reading. She left you some things which we will discuss at the reading.

After that they had the details about when and where the reading were. To say i was surprised would be an understatement. I didn't know that i had an aunt yet alone one that would leave me something in her will. I will have to ring my mother at some point and ask about it.

I open the next envelope and see another handwritten letter. I decide that before opening and reading the next letter to go insdie because it's really quite cold out here. I place the mail on the bench and sit on a kitchen chair with the other letter.


I wish that you had of come to France and travelled with me. I wanted to tell you this when you got here as I was so sure you would come but as you didn't I will tell you in this letter. I'm getting married. I've been with this guy for a while now and I really like him, I think you would to if you gave him a chance. I hope that you change your mind and do come to live with me. Also I would like you to be my maid of honnor for the wedding.

Your Mother.

Well that was shocking. She's getting married. I know that it's probably time that she should move on but to me it still feels like she's betraying my father in doing so. There is no way that I will be moving to her or being her maid of honnor. Now I really have to call her. I put the letter with the others on the counter and walk back upstairs into my room. I can hear the water running which indicates that Brody is still in the shower.

I pick up my phone and dail my mothers number.

"Hello" I hear a male voice say over the phone.

"Who are you?" I ask.

"Damian, who are you?" He asks. Oh he's probably my mum's fiance, next thing I know she'll be telling me that shes pregnant. I make a scoffing sound before saying,

"Just give the phone to my mother" I say. I hear the sound of him walking and then having a quick conversation with my mother.

"Hello Olivia" She says finially getting the phone.

"Hello Mother. First of all no, I will not be your maid of honnor and I will not be moving. Second who is Emserelda, why am I beng told she is my Aunt and why do I have to go to a will reading for her?" I ask my tone getting harsher the further into the sentance I got. Why does anything to do with my Mother make me angry?

"That's upsetting I hoped you would be" She says. Well obviously that's why you asked me to be your maid of honnor in the first place "And she was your Aunt as you already know, you never met her because she never made any moves to contact us, she wasnt a good influence and for that reason we didnt tell you about her" Okay that dimishes my anger slightly, im definately still angry though. "And even I'm surprised she put you in her will" I can't even be bothered dealing with this phone call right now.

"Okay well I have to go now. I have things to do" I lie to her.

"Okay" She says. I then hear the familiar tone telling me that she hung up.

"Meow, Meow" Trixie meows to me.

"Hey Trixie" I coo in a voice that you would use to talk to a baby. I pick up my kitten and cradel her in my arms straching behind her ears in a way that I know she loves. "Your getting big"

"You have a cat?" I hear Brody say from the doorway of the bathroom. I turn to face him and see that he's only wearing a towel around his waist and nothing else. I can't help but stare at his chest as I reply

"Yeah, I found her in the reserve at the end of the street" I say to him still only looking at his chest.

"My eyes are up here babe" He says. I laugh at him and place Trixie down on the ground.


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