Chapter 20

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~~~~~Olivia's P.O.V~~~~~

This is so complicated. Jase is my best friend, dating him would be like dating my brother! I don't know what to do, I don't want to hurt his feelings but i don't really want to date him either. Oh what am I gonna do. I get out of the tent and sneak back down to the lake so Jase wont see me. I sit on the grass cross-legged and watch the others play in the water happily like they don't have a care in the world, when my minds going 100 miles an hour. He made me promise this wouldn't ruin our friendship, but will it? It's hard to tell what he future will bring. Somebody sits down beside me and I look towards them. It's scarlett.

"What happened?" She asks cocking her head to one side.

"Jase" I say simply describing it with just one word. One name. Jase.

"Did he tell you he liked you?" She asks looking sympathetic.

"Yeah how'd you know" I ask her confused.

"Oh girly, it's so obvious and when i confronted him, he told me" She says like its the simplest thing in the world.

"He's my best friend, he's like a brother to me" I say frowning.

"You know the answer your looking for. And I'm not going to tell you it so you can blame me if it blows up" She says and I sigh knowing that she's right.

"And I know who you like and it's not Jase, you know that too. You know it wouldn't be fair to him" She says standing up and walking back into the water. She's right I'm gonna have to tell Jase that I don't like him. As much don't want to hurt his feeling's, he'll be even more hurt if I just lead him along. I can't do that to him, I can't hurt him again. I decide to leave telling him until the morning because I feel emotionally drained at the moment. I head back to the tent and snuggle down into the warmth of my sleeping bag.


It's Saturday. Time to go back home. I stretch sitting up in my sleeping bag. I quickly grab some clothes to wear home and go out into the toilets to change into them. After I finish changing I grab the clothes that I had on and take them back to the tent. I notice that my stuff is a bit of a mess and tidy it all up putting everything back into my bag. I also Pack up my sleeping equipment. I head back outside and see the teachers setting some cereal and mild on a picnic table. My stomach growls so I decide that maybe I should have something to eat. I full up a bowl with corn flakes and cover them with milk. I go over to one of the logs and start to eat. Thankfully I didn't have to sit on the one Jase was on. Once I finish eating i wash my bowl in the sink and put my bowl on a table where the teachers told us to put them. I see Jase coming over and try to pretend I didn't see him and walk away. Keyword in that sentence, try.

"Olivia don't avoid me" He calls out to me sadly and I stop walking away and turn to face him raising my eyebrows questioning what he wants.

"Do you want to sit with me on the bus?" He asks. I have to tell him now. I was hoping to avoid doing this here, or at all.

"Look, I don't want to go out with you. I like you but like a brother not as a boyfriend, I'm sorry" I start to walk away again and go back and sit by Scarlett who's staring at the lake frowning.

"I don't want to go" She whines as I sit down beside her. When she turns to me and see's the expression on my face she wraps me in a hug. "I'm sorry you had to tell him that" She says. I nod and feel a tear roll down my check. I wipe it away and stare at the lake. I don't really want to go today either, this place is really beautiful. We sit there just staring out over the lake until the teacher calls us back over to the campsite saying that we have to pack our bags into the bus. I reluctantly stand up and brush any dirt and grass off of my clothes. Scarlet does the same. Wait if I'n not sitting with Jase on the bus then who am I sitting with? I think as i grab my gear putting it into the pile that's awaiting being piled into the bus. I walk into the bus and see that there are already five students sitting in the back of the bus so i choose a seat for two people around the middle of the bus. Scarlett is the first of my friends to come onto the bus. She walks to the seat behind me.

"Sorry I told Hannah that I'd sit with her" She says. Next Brody comes onto the bus with one of his friends and they sit in the seat in front of me. That just leaves Jase. I hope he has somewhere else to sit because I don't think I could bear a two hour bus ride with Jase sitting beside me. Not today anyway, it would just be awkward. Luckily no one else comes onto the bus and we leave. Jase must be avoiding me now too, he probably purposely went on the other bus. Never mind.


We part in the bus bay at our school and everyone piles out of the bus. I grab my bag and head over to my car. I put my gear into the backseat and then sit in the drivers seat. I decide that it's probably best to wait for a bit before I try to leave because everyone's is trying to leave and there's already a long line of cars forming. I hear a knock on the the window by the passenger seat. I wind down the window to see Brody there.

"Can I catch a ride with you? Otherwise I have to walk home with all of this junk" He asks me looking like he really doesn't want to have to walk. I guess I don't really blame him. It looks like its about to rain as well which just makes his situation worse.

"Sure get in" I say. He opens the door and I put the window back up. He chucks his stuff inside and then settles into the passenger seat. "What happened to your original ride?" I ask him curiously.

"He's taking a girl home" He says shrugging his shoulders like it's the simplest thing in the world. I stare at him for a second and then look out to see the line of cars gone. Now there's only a few cars who obviously had the same idea that I did.

As I pull into my driveway the weather starts to turn bad. It starts raining heavily with no signs of it lessening. I park my car in my garage and pull my stuff out. I see just about to open his mouth to talk but quickly butt in.

"Yes you can stay the night" I say already knowing that, that's what he was going to ask.

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P.S. By the way everyone who reads my book thank you soo much. I never anticipated this many people ever reading my book!

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