Chapter 9

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2 weeks later.
I put my suitcase into the back of my car, today is finally the day we are going to the beach house it feels like it took forever and more for this day to come. Maybe that is just because the last two weeks have been super boring! Anywayyyyy. I hop into the car and drive to Scarlett's house to pick her up and take her to the beach house. She didn't invite any of her other friends and I'm not sure if the others did.

2 hours later.

"how much longer until we get there?" Scarlett whines at me. I pull into the parking lot for the beach house.

"we are here"

"YES FINALLY!" she yells opening the car door and jumping out. I laugh at her and then followed her lead and hopped out of the car. I grabbed my stuff out of the boot of my car and walked up to the door and used my key to unlock it. Once the door is open i run upstairs and into one of the bedrooms chucking my bag onto the top bunk claiming it. In each room there is 3 single bunk beds so all up there is 6 beds in each room. I heard a car pull up and went downstairs

"First door on your right" I say to Scarlett as i pass her on the stairs. I open the door and see Hannah getting out of the car with her friend Abbey. "Hey guys!" I say enthusiastically. I see another car pulling into the driveway which will be Jason "If you guys just go up the stairs and go into the first door on the right, that's the girls room" I say smiling at them. They rush inside with their bags excitedly. Just then Jason steps out of his car "Hey Jase" I smile at him but the smile drops off my face when I see Brody getting out of the car. I quickly smile again. I am not going to let Brody ruin my holiday. I also see one of Jason's other friends Damon getting out of the car. "If you guys go up the stairs your room is the first door on the left. I say and then walk back inside. All the girls are sitting in the living room. "What are you waiting for girls lets go swimming!" I say to them almost yelling. I go outside and see the boys are right behind us. Man they were quick putting their bags in their room. I kick my shoes off as i get onto the sand. I'm so happy to be back here again I haven't been here for so long. I take my top off and put it with my shoes on the sand my shorts soon follow and I'm left in my Bikini. I wait for everyone else to finish taking off their clothes but get impatient and run into the water diving under the wave once i'm deep enough that i wont hit my head on the ground. Everyone else comes over toward the water but only get their feet in before they start squealing. What babies the waters not that cold. It Only fazes the girls though the guys just go deeper. The girls eventually get over it and come in to.

"How do you just jump in?" Abbey asks me "The waters so cold"

"Its not that cold" I laugh "You guys just aren't used to it" she laughs and then ducks under getting herself fully wet. I then realize that we all forgot to bring towels down. I see Brody still on the shore and decide to go ask him to get them. I swim up to the shore and then walk over the sand feeling it sick to my feet. "Brody can you go inside and grab 7 towels assuming that your going to stop being a baby and go in the water" I say. He looks at me and frowns before sighing

"Sure and i will go in the water but first why didn't you invite me here yourself I thought we were friends" So that's why he frowned at me. I shrug at him.

"I didn't think you wanted to be friends anymore after the other night. The towels are in the cupboard that's on the back porch" I say before retreating back to the water. I see Brody walk back down with the towels. He chucks them down on the sand and the pulls off his shirt. Damn he is hot! He has a six pack! He then pulls off his jeans and comes into the water.

"See something you like?" He asks smirking.

"No quite the opposite really" I say lying. I scrunch my face to emphasize my point. I cant believe he caught be staring.

"Cut the act i know you were staring and like it. I could practically see the droll coming out of your mouth." I frowned at him.

"So one second you hate me and the next your acting like this, I don't understand"  I say to him. He shakes his head.

"You said it yourself, I'm acting" he then swims away over towards Jason. OK that hurt. I walk out of the water and grab a towel. Wrapping it around myself i walk back towards the house. I walk in and go into the kitchen grabbing a bottle of vodka. I know I'm only 16 and I shouldn't be drinking but who cares money can get you things your not supposed to have. I raise the bottle and take a huge gulp of it. The alcohol burns as it slides down my throat. I take another couple of big gulps and it starts to stop burning my throat. I put the bottle back into the cupboard. It may not be the best solution but it sure does make you forget what you don't want to remember. For example Brody's hurtful words. I walk back down to the beach but grab my sunglasses on the way out of the house. I put them on and lay my towel down on the sand laying on it.

"My goodness girl i can smell the alcohol" Scarlett says setting her towel down beside me "Girl what happened?" She asks "You haven't drunk in ages, you were doing so well"

"Drop it i don't want to talk about it" I say

"Girl this is something that needs to be talked about, I don't want it getting out of hand again"  She says.

"It wont! It was just a one time thing" i say. Man shes like a dog with a bone "Just let it go" She sighs but thankfully gives up laying down beside me.

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