Chapter 21

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~~Brody's P.O.V~~

"Wha? How'd you know that was what i was going to say?" I asked her confused.

"I just know you so well" She says placing her hand over her heart seriously. She holds the seriousness for a few more seconds before she cracks up laughing. She laughs so much that she's bending over holding her stomach. I scoff at her. That wasnt even that funny. I grab my stuff out of the car. I walk past Olivia who's still laughing and up the stairs. I open the door that connects the garage to the house and go up to the room that Olivia let me sleep in last time. Then again that isn't even where I ended up sleeping. I laugh quietly to myself. She thought that I was alseep when she jumped out of the bed checking if she still had her clothes on but I wasn't I was awake and saw it all. I place my stuff at the foot of the bed and then go back down the stairs. Olvia's just coming inside when I get down. She struggles carrying her stuff so I grab her sleeping bag and pillow off of her walking back up the stairs going into her room and chucking them onto the bed. The pillow accidently knocks a photo frame off of her beside table. The photo lands face down on the ground and I go over to pick it up.

"Don't touch that" Olivia says walking into the room. I step back.

"Sorry" I say. She drops her stuff on the ground and goes over to the picture frame she picks it up and turns it over. I see a large crack running across the glass in the photo frame. It looks like the photo frame was made by a small child. It has gems in the shape of stars and hearts stuck to the outside of it. I look closer and see a photo of a man and a women holding a small child. Olivia sighs heavily and places the photo frame on the beside table facedown. She stays in rooted to the spot staring at the wall. I walk around so I can see her face and see tears flowing down her cheeks and her eyes firmly shut. I pull her into my arms and she leans her head against my shoulder. I continue to hold her and start to feel her tears soaking through my shirt onto my skin. After a few minutes she presses he hands flat against my chest and pushes herself away from me. She looks away and I follow her eyes seeing that she's lloking out the window.

"The suns out now. I think you should leave" She says in a tone that screams don't mess with me right now. I decide against my better judgement to stay rather than leave.

"I don't want to leave, I want you to tell me the truth" I say. I'm sick of being in the dark. I want to know whats going on. I want to know what she told Jase when we went to her beach house. I want to know everything. It's hard for me to see her in pain. I like her and it hurts so much to see her crying or to see her upset.

"Please, just leave" She says squeezing her eyes tightly shut for the second time today.

"Olivia talk to me" I say pleading. She opens her eyes and slowly turns to face me. She just stands there staring at me with a frown on her face. "Please. Olivia I like you and it hurts me to see you sad. It seems that it's often me that causes you to end up being sad" I say trying desprately to get her to talk to me. She continues to stand staring at me. I start to walk out of the room defeated. She obviously isn't going to tell me anything. Just as I'm about to walk out of the door Olivia finally speaks.

"Ok" She says. My eyes open wide and i turn around to look at her. She motions for me to follow her and she walks over to the bed and sits down.

"First of all. I like you to and I trust you, don't make me regret it" She likes me to. I cant belive it she likes me to. I nod at her letting her know that her trust in me isn't misplaced. She takes a deep breath and begins to speak,

"I'll start from the start. When I was little Me, my Mum and my Dad we were all really close. I idolised my Dad so much. I acted like he was a god" She says smiling at her memories. "I didn't bother to keep the fact that I was rich a secret. After all there was no need to, but I was just a child who didn't know how cruel the world really was." She laughs humorously. "I was leaving to school one day and somebody grabbed me, they blindfolded me and shoved me into the back of a car. I was only six, I was terrified. We got to the building that he was taking me to and he tied me to a chair stratigically placed in front of the entrance." Silent tears fall down her cheeks and I reach up and wipe them away. "The guy told my dad that he had me and that he wanted money. Alot of money. He wanted over a million dollars. I never figured out why he wanted the money but who doesnt I guess. I dont know why my dad didn't just call the police and get them to deal with it. But for whatever reason he came himself. The guy seemed to expect this and was standing in the shadows. My Dad didn't have the money and he didn't see the guy. He was too preocipied getting to me. As I said the chair I was on was stratigically placed in front of the entrance so I would be the first thing you would see after opening the doors. My dad pulled the blindfold of my eyes and untied me but when he started to take me outside the guy shot him. It went straight into his heart. He fell to the ground and tole me to run. I didn't want to leave him but I wasn't stupid and I looked up to him, so I did what he said. I ran. After I got the police and they got there he was dead and the guy was long gone." She sobs roughly and I pull her to me hugging her small frame to me. "They eventually found him and he was put in jail, but that didn't get my dad back. I moved here. My Mum started to go on long trips for work and I was left at home with a babysitter. That day I lost my family. I was a wreck but I tried not to let it show. Not too much anyway and I became friends with scarlett and Hannah. I kept being rich a secret because I didn't want to get kidnapped again, I didn't want someone else I cared about to die. One day i was staying at Scarlett's house and it just got to much to deal with and I don't know I went into a state of shock I guess and I didn't talk. She told her mum and her mum called my Mum. My Mum was away though so she just called someone to come to the house to help me. It was Stephanie. The one who came and helped me at the beach house. Stephanie took me home. Once I was at home I didn't eat or drink for a few days but Stephanie helped me through it. When I was 14 so two years ago I got really upset and drunk. Alot. But again Stephanie helped me through it. And at the beach house when I thought that I had lost You and Jase i got really upset and it happened again. I guess its kind of like a mental brake down or something. But Stephanie got here and she snapped me out of it. She helps me and each time pretty much saved my life twice. The photo in the picture frame is the last time I had a happy family. I made the photo frame when I was seven. Thats why I got upset when it broke." She finishes talking and leans against me. I just sit and hold her tightly. "Do you still like me now? After hearing my troubled past, I'm surprised your not running alread" She says surprising me.

"I'm never going to leave you. Not even if you want me to" I say reassuring her. She stares up at me with big eyes and studies my face to see if I meant what I said. After a minute she snuggles back into my cest and I lay down in Olivia's bed with her wrapped up in my arms.


Sorry If you didn't want to read what happened to Olivia again but this one is a bit more detailed and I think it's written a bit better.

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