Chapter 15

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As I walk into my house I realise that I forgot to lock the door when I went out. Oh well. I walk up the stairs into my bedroom finding Brody sitting at my desk again. At least this time he isn’t snooping. He is holding a white box in his hands and it has a card sitting on the top. I raise my eyebrows at him.

“What is this?” I ask. He stands up and walks to me handing me the box. I take it from him wondering what’s going on.

“I got it for you read the card, it explains what’s going on” I open the card and start to read it.

To Olivia,

I’m sorry for telling Jason I really didn’t want to hurt him or you (well at the time I may have wanted to hurt you a little bit but that doesn’t make it any less stupid.) When I was looking in your room the yesterday I saw lots of art stuff and figured you liked it. I got you this to apologize for I guess two things now- Telling Jason and snooping in your room (I promise it won’t happen again or at least if it does you won’t catch me.) I hope that we can become friends and that you can tell me whatever you told Jason to make him forgive you. Anyway I hope you like what I got you.

From Brody.

I put the card down and open the box that he gave me. When I open it I discover that it has a sketch pad, drawing pencils, and a pack of 30 colouring pencils.

“I can’t accept this, it’s too much” I say to him. I don’t even really understand why he gave it to me.

“Just accept it Olivia” he says mock angrily.

“Okay thank you” I accept the gift. I put the box down and embrace Brody in a hug. After he realises what’s happening he wraps his arms around me and we hug for a second longer. I jump back.

“Do you want something to eat?” I ask him deciding that I’m actually kind of hungry.

“Sure” He says. I motion for him to follow me and go down into the kitchen. I go over to the fridge and see Brody stand at the breakfast bar. I start to rummage though the fridge realising that we have like zero food, I guess I need to go to the supermarket.

“You’re going to France?” Brody asks me accusingly. I turn to look at him and see him holding the plane ticket that my mum left for me. I forgot that was still sitting there.

“No” I growl angrily.  I walk over to him and snatch the plane ticket out of his hand. I rip it in half and then in half again and through it in the bin. “Also we have no food so I need to go shopping before we can eat” I say. I start to walk over to the door and I turn back noticing that Brody is still standing at the breakfast bar “Are you coming?” I ask.

“Umm didn’t know I was invited” he says starting to follow me. I shake my head at him. I grab my key and go outside. I decide that I will actually lock the door this time.


I finish bringing the last bag inside and start to put all of the food away into the cupboards. I grabbed some food for school as well seeing as school starts again tomorrow. We bought a couple of wraps while we were at the supermarket for our lunch today. I hand Brody his chicken wrap and open my salad wrap. I start to eat and lean against the counter. I finish eating and wait for Brody.

“What are we gonna do for the rest of the day?” I ask.

“We could invite Jason over and watch a movie or something?” he asks phrasing it like a question.

“That’s a good idea” I say. I haven’t hung out with Jase in ages. I pull my phone out of my pocket and go on Facebook. Luckily he is already on so I can message him and get a reply straight away.

Me: Hey Jase do you wanna come to mine and watch a movie with Brody and me?

Jase: Sure what movie?

Me: Don’t know… You should bring one with you.

Jase: Yup ok. I’ll be there soon. Wait what’s your address?

I quickly message him the address.

“He’s coming and he’s going to bring the movie” I say to Brody. Brody nods at me.

“You should get some snacks ready then” He says. I go into the kitchen and grab some popcorn putting in in the microwave. I get two packets of M&M’s and pour them into a bowl.

I go up to the screening room and put the bowls down on the table, one with the popcorn and one with the M&M’s. The screening room has a TV on one wall and it has a dvd player and some gaming consoles hooked up to it. Opposite the TV there’s a couple of couches and then on the wall behind the couches there’s some shelving and the whole wall is full with dvds and games. I hear a knock on the door and hear that Brody got it and is bringing Jase up here.


Sorry that this is a bit shorter than normal but i wanted watching a movie with Jase and Brody to start in the next chapter and then for them to go back to school.

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