Chapter Eleven: Blur Between What's Real and Pretend

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I feel the sunlight from the living room suck the energy out of me. Drain me of the small amount of willpower to do anything as I turn over on my side on the couch and cover my head with the blanket. Remaining motionless as I hear footsteps trail into the living room from another room.

I listen to my father's footsteps come to a halt as I imagine him staring over at me wondering why I didn't fall asleep in my room. Maybe asking himself if he should have that talk with me I escaped three nights ago on the porch. But without saying a word my father continues to walk to the kitchen leaving me where I am as I start to drift back to sleep.

I listen to the coffee brew early in the morning before he leaves for work. Familiar with every creak of the house as he goes on getting ready until I slip back into a dream.

Half awake, half asleep, I see myself standing outside in the backyard. I'm talking to Kalen about nothing important but we're happy. We're smiling and that's what matters. I'm not worried. I'm not concerned about Jayden and what may or may not be lurking in the shadows. I'm perfectly content as Kalen pulls me closer to him. He kisses me and I don't pull away. I want to stay living in this moment where the future is bright and nothing can go wrong.

But it doesn't last long.

Everything pleasant disappears, leaves me and when I pull away whose in front of me isn't Kalen any longer.

I start to panic as I come face to face with the same blue eyes Jayden described in his letter. He talked about piercing blue eyes staring into his eyes. Watching him while he's unable to move and I find myself in the same predicament. Struggling to open my eyes. Wake up from what I know is a dream but I can't. I can't do anything as panic becomes pure torture as my breathing is exhilarated and I become well aware of my heart racing.

His face is a mystery while his eyes remain on me with his hand behind his back. I flinch wanting to get away at the sight of the knife he's holding in his hand and within seconds I'm running back inside the house. I'm trying to get away where I feel safe but safe doesn't exist inside the house when he's right behind me. 

He stops me in my tracks by stabbing the knife into my back. Everything flashes before my eyes as he appears in front of me. He's staring down at me as I look up to see him as I fall onto my side. Half of his mask is ripped off and I see a contorted smile worn across his face. He appears happy to watch my life end. 

I open my eyes wide awake from the nightmare I just had. Sitting up with my chest tight and having trouble breathing after the dream I had. "I'll be home around six. I have some errands I have to take care of after work." My father says walking past me to leave.

"Yeah," I reply shaken up by the dream.

"I want to talk later." He adds little clue anything is wrong with me or maybe he does and that's why he still wants to talk.

He shuts the door and I lay back down on the couch staring up at the ceiling. Ignoring the news in the background he left on as I try to make out what just happened. I've had nightmares frighten me before but not like this. Not dreams to scare me this much about dying, scared of someone I'm not sure exists.

I'm becoming lost in what is real and what is pretend.

My phone starts to vibrate jolting me away from my thoughts but I don't hurry to find it lost in the couch. I already know who it is and the thought of talking to Kalien right now is the last thing I want to do. Not after my dream and not after the look in his eyes when he walked over and seen Cole and I talking.

He seemed livid over Jenna's new boyfriend talking to me. Or was it something else? Did he overhear what we were talking about and that has him upset? He's angry Cole brought up his cousin who's in the same institution as Jayden is and that fact alone caused something to stir in me. Curiosity building of finding out what he knows. Learning more about what it's like inside there to make Jayden go from believing he's innocent to believe he's guilty. Is the truth being buried or am I looking too deep into this?

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