18: breaking point

238 7 15

+ haeun

it was really early in the morning. i was running to school already.

daehwi and i go on dates every saturday.... it's been weeks... months since we started dating.

nothing's new... i go to school, hang out with daehwi and the others, seulbi annoys us, i tease samuel and woojin, i learn barely anything new, then leave.

but today was much different.

as i grabbed some books from my locker, someone squished my hand in the door.

" i'm taking action, loser. i will kill you and get my way to daehwi oppa. " the voice stung my ears.

tears were coming down my face as i tried to pull my hand out, but she pushed it more.

i looked around the isolated hallway and cried.

she finally let go after a long while and kicked me to the ground along with my books.

(a/n: bad word warning lol... it's just to put you in the mood.)

" b*tch " she says, pulling my hair before walking away.

i sighed.

i couldn't show my strong side. she got really physical this time... i couldn't help it.

i looked at my red hand and tears bursted from my eyes.

after a good minute, i wiped my eyes with my good hand and picked up my books.

brushing through my hair with my fingers, i sighed.

i don't wanna break up with him... but i also don't wanna get hurt like this often.

i closed and locked my locker, going outside of the school with my books.

i fell to the side and hugged my knees.

my hand was definitely bleeding and i didn't want to go to the bathroom or anywhere in the school knowing that she's here somewhere.

justin was humming as he went to the entrance of the school.

" j-justin oppa... " i say, looking up at him.

" hm-- haeun! what's wrong?! you look like a mess! " he says, helping me up.

i cried in his arms.

(a/n: i'm not even kidding... i am crying while writing this...)

" who did this to you? come on... i have to clean you up. " he says, bringing me to the nurse.

" seulbi... i'm scared of her... " i mumble.

" seulbi did this?! oh she's so dead once i see her. " he says, washing my hand with water.

the nurse was surprised at the event and came to help.

we walked out of the clinic and we walked back to the hallway where the incident happened because he had to grab a few books.

" oh hey. " seulbi says to me with a smile.

justin immediately turns to see her and grabs her collar.

" why did you do it?! why?! why did you hurt her?! if you give me a selfish reason, i will most definitely kill you. " he says.

that was the scariest i've seen him... that cute little fluff ball became terrifying in just a few seconds.

daehwi and samuel came into the school at that time.

samuel immediately saw and pulled justin away.

" woah woah! calm down, bro. " he told justin. he walked into the classroom with him to calm him down.

daehwi was confused.

he looked at the state i was in.

i bit my lip. i wanted to burst into tears after seeing someone i love a lot... the same with what happened when i saw justin.

he made sure that seulbi was alright for she was the one that was involved with the current situation, then he walked to me.

he pulled me up to the rooftop and sat me down on a bench.

" what happened to you? are you alright? " he asked with a gentle voice.

and that's all it took for me to start crying again.

" y-yah.. it's alright. " he says, startled at first.

" what happened? " he asks, holding my hands and looking into my eyes.

" seulbi... she squished my hands in my locker.... she kicked me to the floor... she pulled my hair.... justin was the first person to see and take care of me... he brought me to the nurse to take care of my hand. so when he saw seulbi in the hallway, he was furious. " i say, looking down.

" oh goodness... " he says, trying to control his frustration.

" only you, justin, probably samuel, and seulbi know about this. " i say, rubbing my eyes.

" does it hurt? " he asks, looking at the bandages.

" mhm... " i hum.

it was silent for a bit.

" daehwi. " i say.

" yes? " he asks, looking at me.

" i was thinking about breaking up with you because of how much i hurt right now... but looking into your eyes changes my mind and i will never leave you. ever. " i say, smiling a little bit.

he smiles and hugs me.

" but daehwi... i'm scared of her. " i say, my voice trembling.

" the nurse should know about how she slammed your hand, right? that should be enough to get her suspended or something.. don't be scared. stay by my side and you will be safe. " he says, trying to comfort me.

" daehwi. "

" mmm. "

" i really love you. "

" i love you, too~ "

(a/n: this chapter is pretty emotional, but this book was getting really boring so i had to add this... hope you enjoyed~)

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