35: responding to the panicked

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+ haeun


daehwiwi 🐶; park to the fricken haeun

haeunieeee 🐣; oK hELlO


haeunieeee 🐣; cheering up a friend, thank you very much

daehwiwi 🐶; ooh who's this friend

haeunieeee 🐣; aw is little daehwi jealousssss ;)

daehwiwi 🐶; nO

haeunieeee 🐣; it was jinyoung btw

daehwiwi 🐶; eXCuSe mE ?!

haeunieeee 🐣; heh heh whoops

daehwiwi 🐶; but buT bUT wHy?!

haeunieeee 🐣; fam struggles, so i wanted to cheer him up

daehwiwi 🐶; yk what

haeunieeee 🐣; what

daehwiwi 🐶; make friends that are girls

haeunieeee 🐣; what why

daehwiwi 🐶; becoz you have too many friends that are male and i disapprove of that on so many levels

haeunieeee 🐣; if i were to reject some of my male friends, which ones do you want me to reject and why

daehwiwi 🐶; um reject all of them

haeunieeee 🐣; -_-

daehwiwi 🐶; fInE

haeunieeee 🐣; :D

daehwiwi 🐶; so first... justin

haeunieeee 🐣; heh

daehwiwi 🐶; you two are all "oooh yeah let's hug becoz we are besties oooh let's hang out together yayyyy" but no.

haeunieeee 🐣; wHaT

daehwiwi 🐶; next... samuel

haeunieeee 🐣; w8 why

daehwiwi 🐶; becoz before, you two were super close and talked 24/7 and whenever i wasn't with you, he was your replacement

haeunieeee 🐣; he doesn't even spend much time with me anymore

daehwiwi 🐶; sTiLL

haeunieeee 🐣; ok give me one more person

daehwiwi 🐶; um park woojin

haeunieeee 🐣; ahem... what

daehwiwi 🐶; he beat me in a dancing competition

haeunieeee 🐣; lol salty much

daehwiwi 🐶; :(

haeunieeee 🐣; dw your dancing and singing will always place 1st place in my hearttttt <3

daehwiwi 🐶; eww i was about to celebrate because of that text but... is this haeun or is it some other person or... are you possessed?

haeunieeee 🐣; i mean, i typed it but jinyoung told me what to type

daehwiwi 🐶; awww jinyoung babe

haeunieeee 🐣; wHaT

daehwiwi 🐶; i didn't ask for you, i asked for baejin

haeunieeee 🐣; hi :) -baejin

daehwiwi 🐶; ok i didn't expect her to actually put you on the phone but... alright then. hello~

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