Chapter 6:

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Erika & Tessa: YOU LIKE HIM!!! ... And you nearly kissed. DAMN...

Y/N: Yeah...Isn't he just adorable.
His personality is so sweet and caring.Omg and his dimples are like the besttt things ever...
Jake: Should we tell Tony? *He Listens To The Conversation Through The Door*

Chance: I think we should...

Chance: Tonnyyyy

Anthony: Whatttt do you want?

Jake: Well... we were listing to the girls conversations and...

Erika: And what?

Chance: Oh...

Jake: N-Nothing.

*Erika Grabs Jakes Hand*

Chance: Um well I - I got to go and find Tessa...

Anthony: So what was Jake gonna tell me...

*You Two Are The Only Ones Left In The Room*

Y/N: How should I know...

Anthony: Because you have something to do with it by the looks of it..
*He Stands Up And Stretches*
*He stood in front of you and wrapped his arms around your tiny waist*

Y/N: An - thony.. I got to tell you that I really li-

Anthony: Oh hush already.
* He slams his lips against yours*
His lips were so soft. Our kiss lasted for a while before we pulled away for air. Sparks flew everywhere it was so different with Tony. I felt like we were meant to be...
Y/N: Wow um that was amazing..

Anthony: It was.. One more thing can I take you out tonight?

Y/N: Yes!

Anthony: Be ready by 7:00 don't wear something too fancy.

*Everyone Starts Clapping*
*You Hide Your Face In Between The Crook Of His Neck*

Anthony: Stop guys you are making her blush.


Tessa: Come on let's go and get your ready Y/N.
*She Grabs Your Arm*

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