Chapter 27:

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I will be posing
two chapters tomorrow as a Christmas Present😉 to you guys💜

* 8 Months*
Y/N's POV:

My stomach hurts really bad. But the good news is the house looks amazing and everything has been put in place.
I am officially alone on Christmas this year.
You might be thinking why I don't talk about my family..
Probably because they are on the other side of the world and it is really expensive to go see them.
I have told them about the 'baby boy' & they are very supportive & wish me the best of luck.

*Knock Knock*

I got up and slowly walked towards the door.
Watching where I was going.
As I opened it , I came across a young girl who was a little bit older than me.

Y/N: Hi , how may I help you?

Girl: Hi my name is Lily.
Me & my husband have just moved next door , we are from Nebraska
( I just chose a random place)
and I wanted to pop in and say hi.

Y/N: Well nice to meet you too , my name is Y/N and I have recently moved as well.
Why don't you come on in.

As she walked behind me , Jess came downstairs smooching her boyfriend Grayson.
Not going to lie.
Grayson was one handsome Man & he had a twin brother😉

I guided Lily to come and sit and we talked about her life.
And then she brought up a question I was going to regret answering..

Lily: So where is the father of the baby?

Y/N: *Coughs* Oh um..We lost him a while ago. It's all good though because I am going to give the little one the best life possible.

Lily: Oh. Well I am always here if you need help.

Y/N: Thank you.

Lily: No problem.. I should be heading home now.

As we exchanged goodbyes.
Jess came downstairs with a blond Grayson?

Y/N: What happed yo your hair?
*I said laughing loudly*

But before they could answer there was a sharp pain in my stomach...
It was just a filler but the next two will be goodddd😁
I love you all so much xxx
See you in the next few chapter fam💜
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