Chapter 8:

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Anthony's POV:
I woke up to Y/N head on top of my shirtless chest and our legs intertwined.
She looked beautiful even when she was asleep.
I started playing with her hair and after about 5 - 10 minutes she woke up.

Y/N: He-y
*She said sleepily whilst looking up to me with her gorgeous eyes*

Anthony: Hey gorgeous
*I said whilst smiling down at her*

Y/N: Omggg stop your making me blush already it's to earllyyy
*She said whilst covering her face with her hand*

Anthony:Don't hide your blush I like it...
*I said whilst removing her hand & laughing*
After another minute or two I got Y/N by the waist and laid her on top of me.

Y/N: Heyyy
*She said again smiling brightly*

Anthony: Hey
*I replied meeting her eyes*

Anthony: You know you already look stunning in the mornings.

Y/N: Stoopppp
*She said whilst laughing and hiding her face in the crook of my neck*
(Just like the picture at the top)

Her gentle body laid on top of mine as she traced my jawline with her finger.

Y/N: You know your not pretty bad your self..You look quite handsome your self in the morning.
*She said whilst winking*

As we enjoyed the moment peacefully in came JAKE shooting us with a merch gun.
Jake: Aww look it's Y/S/N
(Your Ship Name)

Jake: How are you both so cute...Not better than JERIKA THOUGHHG

Anthony: Yeah sure..Now get out!
*I said whilst throwing a pillow at him*

Jake: Well some one is salty todayyy

*Y/N started to laugh*

Jake: Well I am gonna leave you love birds and go and prank Chessa instead.

Y/N: Yeahh byeee

Y/N's POV:

As I was getting up to get ready for the day Anthony grabbed me by the waist pulling me toward him.
Our faces weren't too far from each other at this moment.
He started to lean in and so did I.
The kiss was slow but passionate.
Every time his lips touched mine it felt as if there was meant to be an "us"
But I didn't know if he felt the same.
I pulled away not wanting it to proceed into something more.

Y/N: I think we should get ready for the day Anthony.

Anthony: But I like it here with YOUU!!

Y/N: Do you really want Jake to come back and
prank on you again?
*I said whilst laughing*

Anthony: Nooo
*He said whist letting go of my waist*

Y/N: Thank you.
*I said whilst quickly kissing his lips*
He didn't hesitate to kiss back.

Y/N: Now go get a shower then we can go and then we can do something later with the rest of team 10. Okay?

Anthony: Sure
*He said whilst smiling brightly his dimples popping out*

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