Chapter 14:

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Anthony's POV:
I stood their looking at her whilst she did the same...
I looked away and then turned around to catch her beautiful eyes all watery a tear dropped and my heart broke..
I went to open the door which connected to the balcony of her room but it was locked. She pulled the curtains in front of me and closed me out..
I slid down the wall crying , I messed up, I messed up bad.. I had hurt her , I had hurt her real bad.


Y/N's POV:
I woke up on the floor this morning I got up to look in the mirror which was placed in the toilet.
My eyes were bloodshot and mascara was dry under my eyes.
I remembered the events of yesterday and I knew it was going to be even more awkward then it was already between us.

After getting dressed I went downstairs to find everyone in the kitchen eating breakfast. I had a hoody on so I was not worried about people looking at my blood shot eyes. As I was walking I bumped into a figure which made me stumble back but I was caught before I fell on the floor.
I looked up and met the eyes which made me fall in love..But broken after...
It hurt so bad I wanted to scream..
I quickly got my balance and whispered a quick "thank you" as I rushed to the other side of the kitchen.
*3 hours later*
Jake: Y/N get down here we are going to be playing the drama wheel.

I rushed downstairs to find everyone sitting there already and Jake telling the camera the way the game was going to be played...
He span the wheel and it landed on my name so Jake called me into the other room.

*A Few Minutes Later*
After being asked a few questions one question popped up which I knew I was going to regret answering...

Jake: OKAY SOOOO... Y/N are you and Anthony ever going to be an item again?

Y/N: I- I don't kn-ow...

Jake: Borrrinnggg..
Well um you heard it hear Jake paulers...

And with that he ended the vlog. And he broke me even more.

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