Chapter 34:

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Y/N's POV:

I slowly turned around to be faced with a teary eye Jake.
He pulled me in for a hug , and slowly I allowed my self to hug him back.
I felt safe.
I let me self loose.
Crying heavily into his arms which I missed so much.
I felt as if I was home , as if I had missed a lot since I was gone.
He let go of me still holding tight.
He looked into my eyes and frowned.
He could see the hurt.
The pain.
The stress.
The love..
He finally looked down at the little one who stood beside me.
Clinging to my leg.
I laughed as I picked him up placing him on my hip.
He wiped the tears off my eyes and puts his head on my shoulder.
He looked at Jake , memorising every little bit.

Jake: Hi Chase. Nice to finally see you little one.

Chase just snuggled back into my shoulder with a large grin.
As we were all enjoying the moment someone tapped Jake on the shoulder.
He turned around swiftly and was faced with...


Ha Great.

Chase just looked up from my shoulder like something hit him.
He looked
And he stared...

Chase: Dadda?

I lost it all over again.
How did he know..

Is the book coming to an end guys? Or whatttt?
All love <💞
Hope you liked it Posting chapters as much as I can. Wattpad is messed up xxxx

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