meet Emily

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Full name: Emily Ann Smith

Birthday: 05-25-1997


Personality: can be a bitch, protective, funny, sweet, kind, loveable

Hobbies: love to hang out with friends, cook, paint, listen to music

Family: James Smith (dad, dead) Anny Smith (mom, dead)

Friends: everyone she meets

Status: single

Bio: Hi everyone my name is Emily. I'm 18 years old, I live in Ohio. I go to Herrington High School, that is where I met my ex boyfriend of 4 years. The reason why we broke up is because he sells drugs and other legal things.

Anyways, most of you are probably wondering what happened to my parents. Well one year they wanted to go on a camping trip in California, but I didn't go because me and Zeke was wanting time to ourselves. So my parents went by themselves and their plane crashed and they ended up dying.

So I live by myself and I use the money my parents left me to pay for everything until I get a job and go off to college to become a lawyer like both of my parents where. Well that's it about me for now, I have to get ready for school, bye.

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