you make a hot nerd

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Emily POV
As we reached Zeke's house, we all ran to his garage. "Where are your parents?" Stan asked as I looked around the room that fucked up our relationship in the first place.

"Europe or somewhere like that." Zeke said as we all sat down trying to figure out what the hell this thing is.

As I sat in corner watching what they are doing I see Zeke putting on glass doing something. "You make a hot nerd." I said as I got up and stood next to him.

He looked at me with a smile as I ran my hand threw his hair. Zeke then turned his attention back to what he was doing.

He cut off a peace of the thing as he feed it to his mouse Oscar. As we watched closely Oscar started to turn into one of those alien things.

"I'm sorry Oscar." Zeke said as he snapped his neck and took him out of his cage and opened him up.

"Oh my god, he's dried up." I said as I looked at it. "That's why these choosed us, we contain water and when you stabbed Furlong with your dust it dried up all the water which killed it." I said as Zeke put a cloth over the mouse.

"We have to take it to see if any of us is still human." Zeke said as grabbed one of the pens. And handed it to Stan.

"Take it." Zeke said as Stan shook his head. "Fuck that, I don't do drugs." He said as Zeke pointed it to Casey.

"Why me?" He asked as he looked a little scared. "It's your birth right." Zeke said as Casey took it and did what he hand to do.

Just then he started to laugh as Stan pulled Zeke's gun on him. "What the hell is wrong with him?" Stan asked as Zeke got this pissed off look on his face.

"He's getting high, let him fucking get high." Zeke said as Stan turned around and pointed the gun at Zeke.

"Your next." He said as Zeke shook his head. "I don't get high off my own stuff." He said as he looked back at Stan.

"Just take it Zeke so you can prove that your not one of those bastards." I said as I looked up from the ground. Zeke sighed as he took the cap off and snorted the stuff.

He then rubbed his eye and picked up a new one and handed it Stan as he took the gun from him and pointed it at Stan.

And I will admit Zeke looked hot doing it to.

I was brought out of my thoughts when I saw Zeke stand in front of me

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I was brought out of my thoughts when I saw Zeke stand in front of me. "Your turn." He said as I looked up at him.

"I don't do that stuff and you know it." I said as he pointed the gun at me. "Zeke what the fuck?" I asked as I got scared.

"Just take it." He said as I ripped it out of his hand. I took the cap off and looked him in the eyes as I took it in my system.

I closed my eyes tight as I rubbed them. Next thing I know I see Delilah throw Stan to the ground and trashing Zeke's little lab he hand to make his stuff.

Delilah ran into the closed door breaking it and running to a car that was parked outside waiting.

As we all got to the end of the driveway we saw the car disappearing. "Fuck!" Zeke yelled as he started to walk back to the garage.

I went after him to see him kicking things over. "Zeke it's fine, you have enough. All we have to do is find the person who started this and kill them and everything will go back to normal." I said as I ran my hands threw his hair.

"Lets hope so." He said as he hugged me. Yeah lets hope so.

put to the test (Zeke Tyler love story)Where stories live. Discover now