fuck this

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Emily POV
We all took off to the school to see that the game started. "Lets go to the gym." Casey said as we took off to the gym.

When we got there we sat and started to come up with a plan. "Principal Drake is at fault here." I said as I got up and walked to the door to see half of the people I grew up with dying because of this shit.

"That's why Stan went to go see if she is here and we will take care of her." Zeke said as he walked up to me. I looked at him and sighed.

"I just want this to be over with." I said as Stan came back. "She's here." He said just as principal Drake came in.

"What you kids doing in here. The gym is closed now come on." She said as we walked in front of her as Stan went to tackle her down with the volleyball net.

Zeke went over to help him out. "What are you guys doing, let me go." Drake said as she struggled to get free. "Sniff this." Casey said as he put the dust in front of her.

"Casey are you high?" She asked he looked at Stan. "What if it is a mistake?" He asked Stan looked at her.

Out of no where Zeke comes up and take the gun from Stan and shoots Drake in the head. "Guys I think we made a mistake." Casey said as blood started to come from her head.

As we looked at her she just jumped up as Marybeth threw all of Zeke's stuff on her causing her to start fizzing and the finally died.

"Did it work?" I asked as I looked at everyone. "Let me go see." Stan said as he left to the door.

"Is that all of it?" Zeke asked Marybeth as she nodded. He took the empty container she held and took the two pens Casey had.

"We need more, that isn't enough." Stan said ad we all sat down with my hand on Zeke's thigh.

"I have more, but it's in my car." Zeke said as everyone looked at him. "How do you plan on getting it?" I asked as he looked at me.

"Me and Casey are going to go." He said as I shook my head. "Are you fucking crazy, no." I said as I stood up to look at him. "We will be fine." He said as him and Casey got up and left.

I huffed and rolled my eyes, God he can be such a stubborn ass.

Zeke's POV
As me and Casey went separate ways I ran to car trying to find more of my stuff. That was until I saw someone standing in front of my car.

"Hello Miss. Burke." I said as I closed my trunk. "Looking for something?" She asked as I shook my head.

"Nothing important. Changed your mind on those chocolate laxatives?" I asked as I moved to the driver's door. "I had something else in mind, something cherry flavor if you know what I mean." She said as I looked in the window to see two pens.

"Sorry I'm all out, but I have something way better." I said as she leans on the roof of the car. "Oh yeah,is it tasty?" She askes as I nodded.

"Let me hook you up." I said as I jumped into the car and started the car as she broke my window. "Hello there Zekey boy." She said in ear as I slammed on the gas causing her to go flying in the backseat.

"You seem tens, just relax." She said some fucking shit came out of her mouth. While all of this was happening I was trying to put on my seatbelt.

I ended up driving the side of my car into the parked buses. As I finally got my seatbelt on I slammed on my breaks causing me to hit my head and Miss. Burke to go through the windshield.

As I unbuckled myself I crawled out the door landing on the ground. I shut the door with my foot as I felt my head and saw blood.

I looked to my right and saw Burke's head with tentacles. I got up as fast I as I could and pulled my gun out and pointed it. That was until I looked up and saw Burke's body moving around.

I shooked my head as I threw my arm in the air." Fuck this, I'm outta here." I said as I took off running back to the gym.

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