let's get the fuck out of here

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Emily POV
As we walked out of the closest Zeke busted through the other door acting like he was in pain or something.

"What the hell are you guys doing?" I asked as hit Zeke as he stood up straight. "The thing I found the other day is gone." Casey said as we walked up to the fish tank.

"What going on here?" Mr. Furlong asked as we turned around to look at him. "The thing that was in here, where is it?" Asked Casey as I was watching Mr. Furlong.

"I sent it to the university." He said as I bit my nail. "Do they know what it is?" I asked as he just shrugged his shoulders.

"Look sorry to interrupt and impose Mr. Furlong. But we will be on our way." Zeke said as he grabbed me and started to walk past him but he grabbed Zeke to stop him.

"Take your seats it won't take long." Mr. Furlong said not looking at us." Now sit down." He said as he threw me and Zeke causing us to land on  the floor.

As we got up Zeke ripped off the choler to the cutter. "Put him the fuck down Furlong." Zeke said as he held up the blade.

"It's for the best Zeke." He said as he threw Casey but Stan caught him and they both fell.

Then Mr. Furlong looked at Zeke and tried to reach out to him but he ended up getting his fingers cut off.

"God damn it." He said pissed as he grabbed Zeke buy his shirt and threw him on the table and some weird ass stuff started to come out of his missing fingers and mouth.

I was to scared to move until I saw Zeke pull out one of pens and stabbed Furlong in the eye.

Then he threw Zeke into the fish tank causing it to brake, making him wet from all of the water.

"Zeke!" I yelled as I ran to him and kneeled down next to him as he started to get up to see Furlong walking up to us.

Then all of a sudden he started to act weird and he flipped over the table. I helped Zeke up as he took another pen out using his mouth to take the cap off.

"Zeke." Stan said as he threw the blade to him which he caught it easily. As we walked to the table we saw Furlong I'm guessing dead.

"This is the point where someone says lets get the fuck out of here." I said as as Stan agreed. "Lets get the fuck out of here." He said as he walked to pick up his backpack.

"Aliens are taking over the fucking school." He said as I looked at Zeke. "Come on." I said as he looked at the teacher that made us be lab partners which started the history of us.

As we started to walk to Zeke's car all the students and everyone else started to follow us. "Get the fuck in." Zeke said as everyone got in.

As we got in Zeke didn't even wait he took off and headed to his place to figure what the fuck is happening.

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