ready this time

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Emily POV
As I got out of my car and walked into school I felt more confident this time then the last time I was here.

I was I walked to my locker I saw Zeke at his putting his 'pens' in his pocket.  I shook my head as I pulled my folder out.

"Glad to see you back." I heard Zeke say from the side of me.  I closed my locker and turned to find him leaning on the one next to mine. And he looked better from when I saw him a few days ago.

"Yeah, I just needed a few more days I guess

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"Yeah, I just needed a few more days I guess." I said as I looked anywhere but him.

"Look, Em. I don't get why you are acting so weird around me, but." He started to say but I cut him off.

"I'm not, OK. I unlike you I actually have problems going on in my life. So you can save that 'I still care about you' bull crap for someone else that will believe it." I said as I held my folder close to me and as I was about to walk away was when I saw his ring on finger.

I looked at him one more time before heading to class.

As we was in the middle of class Miss. Burke asked us a question about a quote in a book we are on.

It was quite for a while until Zeke raised his hand. "Yes, Zeke?" Miss. Burke asked as she pointed to him.

"I think that the quote means that he is going to have calices on his hands." He said as the class laughed and  I could tell he was smirking.

"That's not what it means you dip shit." I said as I turned around to look at him.

He leand on his desk to look at me as Miss

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He leand on his desk to look at me as Miss. Burke was trying her best to calm the class down.

"Oh yeah, and um what do you think it means?" He asked as he knew that I knew a lot about this book.

"It means that he won't know how to handle himself on that island all by himself. He is stuck with just his thoughts. No one to help get through the tough times,he is isolated on that island and there is no way for him to get off it. And he was more scared of being alone then anything else." I said as everyone stayed quite.

"Wow, Emily that's actually really good." Miss. Burke said as Zeke snikerd. "Like I said calices." Zeke said as he leans back in his chair with his pen in his mouth.

As school was coming to an end I was at my locker when Delilah walked up to me. "So, you still coming over tonight to study?" Delilah asked as we walked to my car.

"Um, I don't know." I said as I put my stuff I inside and leand on the door. "Oh come on, the last time you came over to study was the day you broke things off with that no good, drug selling, family less ass." She said as I gave her a look.

"Delilah, I'm your friend and your my friend. I may not be with Zeke anymore, but don't talk crap about him." I said as I crossed my arms.

"You still love him don't you?" She asked as we looked over at him selling his 'pens' to his usual people. "To be honest, I don't know what I love anymore. Look I got to go, I'll talk to you later." I said as I got in my car and took off home.

On my way home I couldn't help but having this feeling that today was the last day that everything was normal, boy was I right.

put to the test (Zeke Tyler love story)Where stories live. Discover now