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Emily POV
As I was waiting for Zeke and Casey to come back Marybeth came and sat behind me." Aren't you tired of being someone your not?" She asked as I looked at her.

"I'm not pretending to be anyone, this is who I am." I said as I leand on my arms."I know I am." She said as I looked at and this bitch hit me.

As I got up I saw her Turing into some fucking aline." Shit." I said as Casey came running in. "Emily lets go." He said as he pulled me to where the pool is as we ran around it to make it to the Locker room.

As we heard a splash we stopped to see Marybeth or whoever the fuck it is come out. I screamed but it was to late to run because it grabbed me and I landed hard on the tile.

I could feel myself being dragged into the water. As I opened my eyes, I looked aroumd I saw the thing trying to bite me as I screamed again and swam to the top of the pool to have Casey help me out.

We turned around to see it pop out of the water as we took off running again trying to not fall.

Meand Casey split up to hide until I saw a naked Marybeth standing in front of me.

"I knew I didn't trust you." I said as I was breathing heavy." Yeah, well people never look like what they seem now do they?" She asked as she walked around me.

"You know Zeke is a great kisser." She said as I snapped my head to look at her. "What did you just say?" I asked as I stepped in front of her.

"Oh he didn't tell you, yeah we kissed. He is really good, hot actually." She said as she smirked at me.

I laughed and when I stopped I attacked her. We was rolling around me throwing punches at her until she bit me.

"Welcome to the club." She said as she walked away as I felt tired, my eyes started to get heavy. And the last thing I remembered was hearing her call for Casey.

Casey POV
As I went a different way it was about a few seconds later when I heard things falling over. As I was about to go over there I ran into Zeke.

"Shit man, what happened?" I asked as I saw blood coming from his head. "Nothing, where is Emily?" He asked as he looked around.

"I don't know, we split up to hide but I heard crashing just a few seconds ago." I said as he ran his hand threw his hair.

"Shit." He said as we went to go find Emily. "Wait, where is Stan?" He asked as I looked at him.

"They got him man." I said as he shook his head. "Lets find Emily and kill the ass that started all of this." He said as we took off only for Marybeth to come and through Zeke across the room causing him to hit the lockers hard.

Shit, now it's up to me. I won't let you guys down.

put to the test (Zeke Tyler love story)Where stories live. Discover now