back to normal

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Emily POV
It has been over a month since all of that crazy shit happened. You guys ate probably wondering what happened over the month, well Casey and Delilah got together, crazy right. Stan is dating some girl named Amy.

And as for me and Zeke it couldn't have gotten more perfect. He moved in with me after he sold his parent's house. I got his car fixed and it looks brand new, even though it's not with the way he drives.

But he is doing a lot better with his grades where he is graduating this year with me. He is on the football team while I'm a cheerleader.

But right now I'm sitting on the bleachers watching him practice.

As they took a break I ran down there and gave him a kiss and a hug

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As they took a break I ran down there and gave him a kiss and a hug. "Hey there." I said as he took a smoke of his cigarette.

"Hey." He said as he blew out the smoke. "You know that is bad for you." I said as I took it from him and took a smoke myself.

"Yeah, and you are doing it." He said as we laughed and kissed. "Zeke, get your ass out here. Play time is over, lets go!" Coach Willis yelled as Zeke rolled his eyes.

"At lest we know he is back to normal." I said as he nodded and kissed me again before he headed back out.

I smiled as he went out there and did something that he was actually great at. As I sat back down I looked off to see Stan and Amy together laughing and hugging.

When I looked the other way I saw Delilah give Casey a kiss. I smiled at my friends. Man everything has changed over the month.

As I looked up I saw Zeke standing in front of me smiling. "Ready to head out?" He asked as I nodded. "Yeah, lets go for a ride." I said as he took my hand and looked at me.

"Lets go than." He said as we made our way to his car. Man I wouldn't change my life for anything, even though it can be hell.  I know I have people here that care about me to go through it with me.

Here is a note for everyone out there that thinks their lives suck, it doesn't. If your not happy with your life you have the power to take the right path and achieve your dreams. I know I did.

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