Chapter Three

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* Edited *

Previously on You & I...

I heard a whack! when I felt his grip on me loosen. I escaped successfully and turned around. I found my assaulter on the ground with an injury to the nose, I wince at the sight. I look up to my savior and freeze, my eyes widen with surprise and shock.


Harry. My knight in shining armor.

What the hell?

As the man started to stand up, he was shot back down to the ground again with another strike, to the side of his head this time. Harry stalked dangerously slow toward the man and grabbed him by the collar of his dirty, worn out shirt. Suddenly, he threw a punch at him. He continuously harassed the man while I sat on the ground, relief and shock taken over every part of my body. I'm truly grateful that I had been rescued, but of all people to come to my aid, Harry had to be the one to do it.

It was the sound of Harry's repetitive fists that snapped me out of my daze. I quickly ran over to Harry and gripped his arm, trying to cease him from doing anymore drastic damage to the man, but he shoved me away. I tried again, gripping is arm with more strength. "Harry, stop! You're going to kill him!"

He abruptly halted and turned his head in my direction. His once bright green eyes were now dark and I could see the anger swirling inside. They were narrowed and his face taut with rage.

"Please," I added, hoping he will give in and spare the man's life. I can't have another person die, not again.

Harry hastily peered down at the man, who was hidden from sight in my perspective, and turned back to me. I could easily read the conflict he was having with himself -- whether to finish the man off or just leave him be. I noticed his gaze soften a little and he looked down at the man one final time before he stood and backed away. I peeked over his shoulder and gasped at the sight, my hand flew to my mouth as my jaw dropped. The man appeared to be unmoving with red pouring out of the corner of his mouth and his nose bent at an unnatural angle. Harry just stood a few feet away, his eyes trained on me the whole time. His face was emotionless and his eyes held no guilt nor shame. Instead, they watched me and only me. I looked away from his gaze and strolled over to the body.

Harry must have realized what my intentions were because he stopped me by gently grasping my wrist, pulling me away from the man and toward his sturdy chest. "Don't," he warned. His voice held a twinge of slight irritation, but I heard concern laced within.

I glanced back at him. "I-I'm only checking if he's still breathing," my voice wavered. He hesitated, but I felt his grip loosen and let go.

Cautiously, I made my way to the man and knelt down. He was unconscious, for sure. I could see he had his lip split, his nose certainly broken, a train of blood fled the corner of his mouth, and slight bruises, already starting to form, covered his face. But with him having a baggy shirt and coat on, I couldn't tell if his chest was rising or falling. Making sure he was out for good, I slowly leant my head upon his chest and dreaded for a heartbeat. But thank God, I heard a slow and steady rhythm of a heart. I sighed in relief and leant back, turning to Harry, who hadn't moved at all, and gave him a slight nod, indicating he was going to be okay. I caught his features relax and his shoulders slumped slightly, but he quickly recomposed himself by standing up straight and making his way over.

I gazed back down at the man, a sudden wave of guilt and sympathy filled me. Even though he had sexually assaulted me, I still felt bad for him. Curse myself for being too soft. Once I saw the outline of Harry's boots beside me, I began to stand, but something caught my eye. Brows furrowed, I knelt down and peered closer to it.

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