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I don't even know what happened to him. He didn't have the time to explain. I don't know why but I miss him... I know what you're thinking, that 'Oh no your only true love is dead.'

News flash.

He's not dead, at least for now he isn't.

And he's not my true love.

Not now.

Not ever.

The day of the accident when Harry passed out in my arms, the nurse had said he was suffering from a coma. It's been two weeks now and things aren't looking too good. He hasn't woken up at all yet and I'm really starting to worry. There were some times where the nurses would let me in and 'talk' with him, like today. He looks so broken. The bruises are green and blue, the gashes aren't going away and the scars won't ever.

When he wakes I'm planning on getting everything out of him about what happened that night. Every truth, lie, everything. I don't like being kept in the dark and what happened to Harry.. God. It could happen again if I'm not there to help.

I'm sitting in a chair next to Harry's hospital bed. I've been sitting there for about.. two hours now? and I can't keep my eyes off of him. If glimpse away for even a nanosecond, I'm scared he'll slip away into the light and happiness above. I never meant to be religious. My parents didn't teach me anything of God or Jesus Christ but.. sometimes in these kind of situations, I'd pray to whoever might be listening.

I was just about to start again when I heard a groggily voice.


I opened my eyes wide and peered at the boy. The boy who could've died. His green eyes are barely open but I could still see them shine. His curly hair is a mess but it looks heavenly. And even though his face is banged up real badly, I can make out his attractive appearance.

Once he takes in my presence, he smiles his toothy grin which makes me want to lunge into his strong arms and stay there for all of eternity. I smile back and my vision starts to blur. I quickly wipe away the tears before they spill but I'm too late. They leak out like the Hoover Dam just split a crack.

"Don't cry love." He takes my cheek in his hand and I lean into it, my smile growing even wider.

"Harry.. I thought I lost you."

I don't deal with this sort of stuff easily. I've had too much of it in my small lifetime and I don't want it to keep happening over and over and over again. Maybe my praying did work. I'm not very good at it with my lack of experience but I'm grateful it somewhat helped.

Harry opens his eyes completely and takes my hand in his, his tone growing serious. "I was never gone. No matter what, I'll always come back. I promise."

✿ ✿ ✿

I called Zayn ASAP to tell him the good news. Harry was still weak from the loss of blood but the doctor said he should be out of the hospital by this weekend. I left to let Harry and Zayn catch up and I'm now on my way to the grocery store to get some goodies for Harry when he gets out. I honestly don't know what he likes considering we only hung out once.. Ah well. I guess I'm just going to have to guess.

I was skimming through the various isles of Wal-Mart when I noticed something in a newspaper nearby. I grabbed it and opened it to the first page.

What the..

On the front was a picture of a circular object, a pin of some sort.

Oh god.

It was the same pin on the man that attacked me. It had the same engraves on it ; the circle with a triangle in it. The header said, "Man Kills Nine Then Disappears. Leaves Mysterious Pin Behind." I frown and place the newspaper in the cart and continue on shopping.

This shit is really starting to get to me. I have to get answers sooner or later and I'm going for sooner. I need Harry, Zayn, anyone to tell me what's going on. Like, now.

Before it's too late.

✿ ✿ ✿

Thank you guys so much for reading! 70 reads for the entire book - WOW. I honestly didn't even expect to get 10 lol.

But we did not exceed our readers goal last chapter sadly so I took my time to update this chapter. It's so short though sorryyyy...

~ Eva May ~

< Readers Goal: 95 >

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