Bo, Harry, and I walked through the wooden door to our cabin and were greeted by warmth. The cold of the night was freezing and I'm thankful there was heat. Taking a look around it was only a one level but I didn't complain. There were two bunk beds, a door that I assumed was the bathroom, a small kitchen and a living room with a TV. It was small but if it was just me and Harry it wouldn't be too much of a hassle. I hope.
But Harry, being his idiotic and goofy self, noticed the bunk beds first and ran at full speed toward one of them. He attempted at jumping onto the top bunk without using the ladder but it was a big mistake for him.
A.) The bunk was over seven feet tall.
B.) Harry is only around six feet.
C.) He apparently isn't a very good jumper.
He made contact but with the side of the bed instead and he fell to the floor with a huge thud!. The room then erupted into Harry's groans of pain and Bo and I's hysteric laughter. While Harry was still laying on the floor I made my move. I sprang for the opportunity and almost reached the ladder, my fingers grazing it slightly.
"Ah!" I squeaked out a high-pitched scream. Somehow, Harry grabbed onto my foot and dragged me down onto the floor with him.
I basically landed right on top of him and I could feel his hard chest vibrate with laughter. He was sprawled on the ground while I had my right leg between his legs and my other limb to the side. I had my palms against his torso and my head was rested upon his chest. I started giggling just as hard as Harry was laughing but my giggles began to fade when I brought my head up and looked into his green eyes. They were practically sparkling right in front of me. They were so beautiful and I felt like I was in a trance. He stared right back and he was still smiling like a madman. I probably was too since my cheeks started to hurt. Just at the sight of him butterflies erupted into my stomach and his touch against my skin was on fire and the whole thing was just electrifying. Right when my mind thought he was starting to lean forward, a voice spoke up.
"So, uh, I'm going to go back to my cabin and try to get some sleep. You guys should, um, try too."
Well, shit.
Oh, god. This is so embarrassing! Bo was right behind us and I totally forgot about him. Well you would too if you were in my position amiright or amiright.
I quickly climbed off of Harry and stood up. "Thank you, Bo, for everything. I appreciate it- Well, we appreciate it... I think he appreciates it-"
"I do," Harry stood up off the floor and crossed his arms, with the biggest, most smug smirk I have ever seen on his attractive face. "Oh, trust me. I really do appreciate it." He then glanced at me and winked. My eyes widened and I could feel my face flush.
I am going to kill him.
"Well, uh, I'll see you guys at breakfast tomorrow," Bo scratched his head, awkwardly might I add. "Oh! And there's curfew going on right now so as a warning, if I were you I wouldn't want to get caught." I nodded and he finally waved us a goodnight.
When I turn back around, instead of Harry standing there he had found the perfect opportunity to take the top bunk. He was laying there on his side with his arms crossed and with a small smirk, knowing he had won.
"Bastard," I huff.
He only smiled, his dimples on full display.
"I can't believe you said that! Especially in front of Bo! Oh, god that was so fucking awkward!" I ramble. I bet my face is still red and I can't help but... Ugh! I can't even think straight! The things that boy does to me!

FanfictionLiv Anderson is trying to escape her horrid and scarred past. So she decides on New York City in order to heal her wounds. In the process, she meets Harry-interesting and secretive. Also, she attracts one of the most dangerous gangs in New York. Now...