Chapter 1

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Will woke up with the sun shining through his window, and his clock read 11h36AM. Today was going to be an AMAZING day. He thought as he threw his sheets aside and dressed into an orange shirt, khaki pants, and some sandals. He went downstairs to eat breakfast, making toast with jam, and having a glass of orange juice. He wondered what he should do for the last day of summer. He already was packed and ready for school tomorrow. He settled with drawing and music, what he had spent most of his summer doing anyways. He went into the backyard with his iPod, headphones, sketchbook, and pencil in hand, and settled down in the shade of his favorite tree.

I feel like I have two personalities. One I have almost all of the time, the other is just when I'm doing what I love most, listening to music and drawing. Even though I feel more dark and depressed when I am listening to music or drawing, the feeling is calming, and it feels more natural to me. Even though it should be negative, I feel as if it is a part of me.

He spent the next couple of hours listening to his music, and drawing. He wasn't really sure what he was drawing, he almost never does, he just sort of lets his pencil flow the the way it wants to. He looked at the now complete graphite drawing for while, taking in what he drew. There were two boys holding each other close, as a storm was raging all around them. One was shining bright like the sun, the other dark as night. Below their waists, the light and the dark were swirling together like a tornado. Pausing his music, Will gathered his things and quietly walked back to his room, still feeling the pessimist inside of himself becoming even more a part of him.

When he reached his room, he opened his walk in closet and hung his new drawing on his art wall in the middle of all of them, for Will felt as if this drawing would be very important. He used to hang his drawings up around his room but, his mom was worried that he had depression, for they all look dark and bleak. Will acknowledged that, but he felt as if there wasn't anything else that was any better off to draw, nothing else felt right. So he kept on drawing them anyways, but moved them into his closet, which was even better than his room.

Will's closet used to be a master bathroom, but he didn't need it, so him and his parents remodeled it into a closet. It is sort of an L-shape, you can see all of his clothing from the entrance, but nothing else other than that really. If you keep walking to the back of the closet on the thick carpet, then you will find a little nook where he keeps his most prized things. Will's art covers the muted yellow walls, and there is a bean bag chair on the floor with all of his current reads. Will has a night stand for his lamp, and on his pile of old textbooks, he keeps his CD Player that has an excellent sound system and can connect to his iPod. He spends almost all of his time in here, for he feels more safe and he has more privacy. It is more sound proof, and more quiet than the rest of the house.

(A/N) Thanks so much for reading! it's my first au, so I'm kinda not so sure about it but the views are encouraging!

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Thank you and Happy Reading! -Grey-

(A/N Future:) Hello I am the athor from the future :) I would just like to let you Readers know that I have improved my writing in this short time. I now have a dedicated editor. _MysteryKitty_ thank you! And I have adjusted a few things to make my writing appealing.

Thank you and Happy Reading!
-Auggie who just published chapter 6-

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