Chapter 3

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I will wake up at 6h in the morning and be ready to go when it's time to go. That was the last thought that crossed Will's mind before he fell asleep, but of course that didn't happen.

Will slowly drifted into consciousness to the sound of his alarm blaring. He reached out for the snooze button with his eyes still closed, but he couldn't find the button. Squinting to find it, he sees the time... Oh my gosh it's 7h04, I have to leave in 11 minutes! Will rides his bike to school so it takes him about 20 minutes to get to there, so he has to wake up earlier than usual. He jumps out of bed the only thing fueling him is that he wanted a perfect attendance this coming Sophomore year. If he didn't intend to make it into a good medical college, he'd be sleeping in everyday, and maybe go to school later, but when it came to mornings, forget it. Will was definitely more of an afternoon kind of person, that's when you'll find him at his happiest.

After dressing, he went straight downstairs to pull together the best breakfast he could with so little time. That's what he spent most of his mornings doing, making sure he had breakfast, for if he didn't he'd be grumpy all day, and his brain wouldn't work properly for his classes or anything that he'd do that day.

Breakfast plate empty, Will shakes his head to wake himself up a bit more, and untangle his golden curls as he walks into the garage to retrieve his bike. Mounting the bike and opening the garage door, he rides a steady pace to school with a few minutes to spare and takes his time.


Nico had no problem waking up in the morning, it came naturally to him, despite him staying up late every night because of the night owl he is. Maybe it was because he grew up in a strict orphanage, and every morning you had to wake up at 5h30 and do the same routine everyday. Nico had lived that as his life from 7, when he told his biological father that he liked boys, which at the time Nico saw no problem with, but causing him to be cast into the orphanage. To fairly recently, about two years ago, when his adoptive father espoused him.

Despite Nico having plenty of time in the morning, he still had little breakfast. His current routine sort of went, dress, brush teeth, brush hair (not that it helped), pack food for school, eat a granola bar or something, then just listen to music and write till it was time to go. Except for today. Today he skipped his granola bar and drawing, and listened to music on his walk to school, which was only a ten minute walk, guided by google maps on his phone. Thinking up ideas for Nico's stories in his head head the whole way was almost as good as writing in his notebook, but not quite.

Arriving to his destination 15 minutes before school started seemed perfect to Nico. He entered the building, looking for a sign to the office or something. It didn't take long to find it for it was luckily right by the entrance. Luckily, because Nico wanted to have as little amount of human contact and communication as possible, and asking for directions definitely wasn't one of his specialties.

Taking a deep breath and stepping into the office, Nico approached an elderly woman who was sitting at the front desk with perfect posture and quickly typing into her computer through a pair of reading glasses attached to a chain around her neck. Nico stood stood there for several minutes, waiting for attention. He looked around the room while he waited, seeing a name plaque reading Mrs. Brown. Finally realizing that he wouldn't get any attention, he cleared his throat. The woman jumped, "Oh my goodness! I'm so sorry! I was just typing an email. How long have you been here?"

"Er, about three minutes?" Nico said shifting his feet, which were rather sore from standing in one place for so long.

"Oh my! I'm so sorry I tend to lose myself while I'm writing, even if it's just an an email." She tentatively laughed. Nico also did the same thing when he was writing, his dad would often tell him, after he has Nico's attention, that he'd been calling his name over and over. "Anyway, my name is Mrs. Brown." She said interrupting his thoughts, "How can I help you?" she smiled.

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