Chapter 10

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When Nico was in contact with Will, his intense pessimism slightly lessened. Enough for it to be actually bearable. Nico tried not to show affection towards Will, but he couldn't help it any longer. When Will had rested his hand on Nico's knee, that was the moment he gave in. He didn't care what Will thought, he seemed open to Nico, yet he didn't know why, Will had a girlfriend, so why did he care about Nico? He had had his arm wrapped around the back of Nico's torso. Why? Whatever Nico thought, shrugging off the thoughts. When Nico saw Will's drawing, he was a little surprised that the somber art work had come from Will's hand. He wanted to see more, and was pleased when Will had offered to show him more at his house.

The bell rang, bringing Nico back to the present, the end of English class. Nico put his unused English notebook away. He put on his backpack and stood up. Will had to let of Nico's hand to pack up his backpack properly. He had been holding Nico's hand since they were in the library, and when he let go, Nico collapsed back into his chair, engulfed with morose. He could process nothing and was having tunnel vision again. Every sense felt like it was white noise. Everything was too loud. Too bright. He feebly reached for Will letting out a quiet whimper, though inside, he was mentally screaming, like always. But when he had Will, everything quieted down a little. But he adjusted to it, and now he couldn't bare what it was like this moment. He should try to get used to it all again, but he didn't want to. He didn't try to speak, because his own voice was louder than everything. Scary. No matter how slowly he talked, it felt too fast and- he just couldn't take it anymore. He slipped from his chair to the ground, covering his ears, attempting to silence the noises, but was unsuccessful.

He barely felt Will resting his hand on his shoulder, and when he did, a surge of warmth travelled through him, and his senses quieting. Nico relaxed a little and opened his eyes to see a concerned Will looking at him. "I'm sorry." Will whispered. Nico stared at him. If I talk, then it will be too loud again. Nico thought. He nodded to Will and weakly reached out to take Will's hand that was resting on his shoulder and attempted to stand up. Will took Nico's other hand and pulled him up with both hands. Nico felt feeble as he walked towards the front of the classroom, while holding Will's hand.


Will was worried about Nico. He seemed to become more and more weak as each minute passed. They slowly made their way out of the school building for Nico's sake, because he was still recovering from what had just happened in English class, and that's what Will was most worried about. Why did he just collapse as soon as Will let go of his hand? It was just like Saturday but there were no loud noises this time. It must've been something mental. Will ran through all of the possible mental illnesses that he could have that would fit his signs. Depression, Anxiety, Schizophrenia.... Will didn't know much abnormal psychology because he focused on anatomy and physiology, but he has a good synopsis of the subject.

After stopping to rest a few times, they eventually make it to the shelter. Will greeted Mrs. Watkins, who was watering the flowers, and headed into the building with Nico by his side.

"Here we are." Will said quietly, hesitant to break the silence, while opening the door to the room Shadow was in. They headed to the back and Nico sat down on the floor, eye level with Shadow and Will crouched down next to him. "Hey, I need to go get Shadow's medicine." Will said softly after a few minutes. Nico nodded and slowly stood up. Will stood too. He hasn't left my side since we were in the library? Why is he suddenly so much different than Saturday? Will wondered, leading Nico to the medicine room. Will took one of the bags from Shadow's bin and headed back to Shadow's cage to give him the medicine.

Will couldn't mix the wet food and medicine with one hand. "Nico I need two hands to do this." he mumbled, he didn't want to startle Nico, for he seemed easily spooked by noises. Of course... Phonophobia. Will thought, having a eureka moment. Phonophobia is when you're afraid or averted  from loud noises and sometimes your own voice. Nico hasn't said a word since the barking incident.

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