Chapter 8

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Nico followed Will back to where his cat would reside for the next week or so. He was very glad that Will was willing to treat Shadow, for he didn't know what he would do without his cat, but Nico had a feeling that he may not make it.

"Here we are again." Will said, opening the door to the sick cat room. He headed to the back past Shadow's cage and opened a cupboard above the sink containing canned cat food and other cat like things. Will took a can out of the cupboard and opened it, pouring the contents into a small bowl. He then mixed some powdered medicine into the wet food until it was solidly mixed. He opened the cage and slipped the food in. Shadow tentatively stalked forward and licked the wet food.

"Bye Shadow." Nico said, thinking about all the time he had known his cat, all of the days they played together and cuddled, and prepared for a chance of never seeing him again, for Nico doubted there was anyway that a cat in such an awful state could live any longer.

Nico then walked away, not looking back fighting the roller coaster of emotions that were hitting him.

Nico could hear Will walk up behind him. "I don't mean to brag at all, but I am probably the best vet in this town, and I know that I can make Shadow well again. I guarantee you this will not be the last time you see him." Will said resting his hand on Nico's shoulder.

Nico sped up letting Will's hand fall from his shoulder. You need to stop messing with me Will. It doesn't help anyone here. Nico snapped mentally. Nico sped out the door and headed towards the building's exit.

"Hey Nico?" Nico turned his head. "I want to show you something, can you come this way?"

Nico didn't see why he couldn't spend as much time with Will, no problem torturing himself by hanging out with the boy who will never love him back.

"Sure, I don't see why not." Nico said turning around all the way to face Will.

"Awesome." Will said with a bright smile. "Follow me."

Nico followed him past many rooms, until they were towards the back of the building and standing in front of a door titled dogs.

"I don't like dogs, they bark too much and are too loud. Do I have to go in there?"

"Yes, but it won't be loud for long, just cover your ears."

"Ugh, fine." Nico rolled his eyes. Will opened the door, and even though his ears were covered, the noise was too loud. He squeezed his eyes shut and felt himself collapse to the ground.

Nico lay curled up in a ball covering his ears, and trying to tune out everything and focus on his breathing. He shouldn't have agreed to go in, he can never handle loud noises, and especially when he is in the mood he is now. Right now, everything is overwhelming it's a brain overload, and even the quietest noises are incredibly overwhelming. If he was in a good mood he wouldn't have been able to handle all of the barking. He was probably phonophobic.

Nico felt someone shaking him, but Nico refused to open his eyes or move. Just focus on your breathing Nico, just focus on your breathing.

"Nico!!" Will's voice jolted him to open his eyes. Will could make him feel better. Nico just stared at Will, who's eyes were wild with scared worry. "Are you- are you okay?" Will asked.

Nico just looked at him sadly and mutely shook his head. He had moved to leaning against the wall now, still sitting down, and was having tunnel vision. All he could see was Will. All of his thoughts just crashed around in his head, and he couldn't think at all. He closed his eyes and rested his head on his knees.

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