Chapter 2

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Nico woke up to unfamiliar surroundings. Bright sunlight filtered through his window. My old windows had black drapes over them. There was no furniture in this room, my room old room was smaller than this. My floor was supposed to be tidy, well it was, but everything was boxed up. Oh. These  thoughts rushed through his head, it took him awhile, but eventually he remembered that he had moved. He wasn't all that happy about it, for he was perfectly fine where he used to live but his adoptive dad wanted to move because he was tired of the "same old life", so he was just kinda was like, "Yo Nico, we're moving!" So that happened.

Nico rolled out of bed and rummaged through his box of things for those black drapes, not even bothering to change out of yesterday's outfit of his black jeans and t-shirt. He tended to lean towards a minimalist life, so after looking through only a couple boxes, it was easy to find the drapes. It was way to bright in here for anyone to survive, how do they do that? He thought mounting them onto his window, relieved for the return of shadows, and that his eyes no longer had to squint. He looked around his new room which was much bigger than his other one. How did I end up with such a big room? I shrugged. Whatever, I can just, like live into one corner or something.

Nico unpacked all of his things from the box and started to set up. He shoved his bed into the far back corner, and found a night stand in another room after a lot of wandering. Wow this house is big. He didn't want any part of the move, so he stayed at home while his dad searched for houses. If I had known that he was buying such a freaking big house then I would've intervened. He thought as he adjusted the nightstand so it wasn't crooked next to the bed. The only other piece of furniture he really needed was a desk, but not until school started, which was a couple months away, right? No. That was his old schedule. School starts on the 23rd which is... tomorrow! dam this is going to be awful. I just moved in... At the thought of school, his mood sort of changed. He went from okay to totally depressed and pessimistic. "That's the Nico I know." He said to himself.

He was tired of this. All of his life, he has been despondent, the only thing making him happy was writing short stories, journaling ideas, and of course, listening to music. Each day he spends more and more time doing these things for they are the only cure he's found to his depression, other than his cat Shadow, of course, but he hasn't been acting normal recently, so Nico can't play with him that much. His cuggles (A/N keeping that haha) are nice though. When Nico's done setting up his things on his nightstand, he settles into the mounds of pillows that he's collected from around the house. Perfect. Now if I don't look up from my notebook this room should feel a lot smaller. Putting his headphones in he started up his playlist and became sucked into his writing.

Nico spent about 4 hours developing characters for his new story, which was always his favorite part, and he started to lay out a plot as well. Nico was getting hungry and realized that he hadn't even eaten yet today. I do that a lot. I almost never eat breakfast and usually just eat lunch. He realized. He wandered through the house trying to find the kitchen, and when he did, the fridge was empty. Of course. Well that's just awesome. I'll just order pizza.

(A/N) Sorry for these past two chapters, they're sort of fill-ins to get to know these versions of  Will and Nico. Also for my following chapters I will use 3rd person, cause I feel like I am writing about myself in these chapters haha. Also sorry if this is kinda bad, this is my first au, and I noticed that my writing kinda flows differently than other peoples'?

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Thank you and Happy Reading!                                 -Grey-

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