Chapter 11

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Nico woke up with a start to a slam of a door and unfamiliar surroundings... He had his head resting on Will's shoulder, and their fingers were laced together. Oh yeah, I'm in Will's closet, Nico thought. Like that thought was so casual...

Nico hesitantly shook Will's shoulder, whose curly blond hair was sagging over his face. He slowly lifted his head with bleary eyes.

"Uh Will, I heard a door slamming downstairs... I just woke up..." Nico said as Will brushed his hair out of his adorable face.

"My parents are probably home, it's about the time they get back from work." Will said, his eyes glancing at the clock hanging on the wall, it read 6h46 pm. "Do you need to be anywhere?" He asked, Nico shook his head, his dad didn't really set a curfew or anything. "Kay, we should probably head down and greet them, see if they have any food for dinner; want to stay for dinner?"

Nico was surprised how easily Will woke up, he was talking up a storm. "Uh sure I guess..."

Will stood up and pulled Nico up with him, and led him down the stairs, squeezing then letting go of Nico's hand on the way down, and Nico felt the heat melt away to be replaced by the usual cold sensation. He sighed inwardly I feel like I'm sort of daydreaming sometimes, there's no way that Will actually could be feeling the way I do... Nico thought.

They made their way to the kitchen to be greeted by Will's dad, who looked awfully similar to Will just a little older, with curly golden hair, with a little white mixed in, and very tall with blue eyes. Will's mom was much shorter than both Will and his dad. She had light brown hair, and a nice smile.

"What's for dinner?" Will asked his mom, who was pulling ingredients out of the fridge.

"It's build your own burger night." Will's dad said without looking up from the book that he was reading at the bar. (A/N you know those counters that are elevated and have bar stools? That's what I'm talking about; no Will does not have a bar at his house :D)

"Awesome," Will replied. "Is it okay if my friend, Nico, stays for dinner tonight?" Oh cool I made it to level friend that's fun, Nico thought.

Will's mom glanced away from the fridge and made eye contact with Nico and smiled, "Of course!"

"Awesome." Will stated, leaning against the wall, looking incredibly attractive at the moment and Nico resisted the urge to walk over and hug him. "Want to play a board game in the living room while we wait for dinner?" Will asked.

"Uh, sure..." Nico mumbled, letting Will lead him to the living room, where there was a love seat, recliner chair, large flat screen, fireplace, all hugging the walls, and a piano too and a coffee table in the middle with stacks of games under it. There were a few books and dirty dishes on top. It looked like a well lived in home. Nico liked it, it was nice.

Will sat himself down on the carpet and crouched down to get a better view of the selection. "What games do you like?" Will asked.

Nico didn't really know, he didn't play much board games... "Uh... What's your favorite?" He asked, feeling rather awkward standing next to Will, towering over him, he was usually the shorter one. Should I sit down next to him? Sit down on the loveseat? Stay standing? He settled with standing. He felt awkward, but was too shy or nervous to sit down in this fairly foreign part of the house. (A/N Do you guys get me? I feel so awkward to sit down somewhere at a new person's house...)

"Well they're all my favorite..." Will said quietly "I like Monopoly, Chess, Catan, Scrabble, and Trivial Pursuit..." He said looking up at Nico. You can sit down, we will probably be playing right here on the floor, so make yourself comfortable." He smiled.

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