Chapter 6

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(A/N) The picture above is a good reference for later in this chapter, you might already know this, but I thought it would be cool to have the two comparisons up here :)


Nico decided to skip lunch again, he didn't to see any need to eat. So from chemistry he went straight to the library. On his way there, Nico saw Will holding hands with a girl with dark brown hair. Don't be surprised Nico. He's not just suddenly going be homosexual for you Nico. He has his own life too Nico. Don't be surprised Nico. Nico's thoughts clashed through his head as he walked faster to the library with his head down. He had been listening to music all day. Not to help him feel better, but just to tune out the rest of the world.

Nico sat in the back of the library, and took out his notebook, which he hadn't done since the last time he was in the library. When he started writing, he was almost immediately frustrated with how his current chapter was going along so instead he worked on editing his first few chapters. Laughing at himself a little for some of his spelling errors that were caused by fast writing, and rushing ideas that his hand couldn't keep up with.

A few times Nico had considered using a laptop, but he had been using notebooks his whole life. What if he had to change? If he wanted to share his writing, which was starting to be not as bad as it used to be, he'd need a computer. For he knew that typing on his phone would be a pain. When he wanted to write books to publish, he would need to type them. Also, editing in a notebook and hand cramping was beginning to get extremely annoying, both forcing him to get less done in more time. Maybe I do need to start using a computer. Nico thought.


The bell was ringing and Nico almost forgot he was at school. He also forgot about Will for awhile. Internally he was happy that writing was helping him more than it used to. He headed to English class a little faster than he usually walked, intending to talk to the teacher beforehand.

Mr. Hollister glanced up from his computer. "Nico, isn't it? Good to see you awake." He said smirking.

Nico turned red of embarrassment. "Yeah uh, sorry about that. I just moved here a couple of days ago and I'm still getting used to the new time zone." Nico apologized. "Uh I was just wondering what type of content we would be working on in class, because I am writing a book right now and I kinda wanted to focus on that instead. I took English 10 last year, I just haven't had anytime to change my schedule around yet? I'm fine with staying in this class, I just want to focus on writing my book. Sorry I should probably stop talking now..." Nico's face was still red. Stop talking so much Nico! Nico thought. Stop. Talking.

"Oh sure! Just as long as you stay in my class, can pass the tests, and some of the assignments that are a bigger deal, such as essays." Mr. Hollister said smiling. "And if you need an editor, I'm your man." He said winking.

Nico's face had just started to cool down, but then it reddened again. "Uh thanks." Nico said rushing off to the back of the room and plopped into his seat from the day before. Pulling out his notebook he easily became wrapped up into his writing. At this point after a few changes of the other chapters, it was easier to continue on to his next chapter. He loved writing...

Of course Will had to sit down next to him and ruin and everything.

When he sat down, Nico looked up at him and gave him a death glare. I was happy, why did you have to ruin everything? Nico screamed in his head with wet anger. Will just gave him a gentle, solemn smile, but didn't try to talk to him. Instead he took out his English notebook and pencil out of his backpack. Smart move buddy.

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