Chapter 14

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Will woke up with a jolt. He was in a dark room and didn't know what had woke him. He was in an okay position, his neck had been bent back a bit, so that was a little cramped, and his right arm was lacking circulation, because Nico was laying on it, for he had his arm wrapped around Nico's torso. Wait, Nico was here? It took Will a few more seconds to realize that Will fell asleep in Nico's bed, and that he was in Nico's room right now.

Will squinted at his timex watch and tried to make out the numbers. Unsuccessful, he used his teeth to push the indiglo button, to see that the time was only 6hpm, so he had been sleeping for about two hours. He tried to figure out if he should wake up Nico, deciding that he should just try to get his arm back and see how it goes on from there.

Will carefully pulled his hand out from under Nico's back, and Nico shifted slightly, grumbling, adorably, he looked so peaceful when he was asleep. Making sure that he wasn't awake, Will crawled to the end of the bed and and climbed off of the foot of it, taking practiced, quiet steps, in which he started with his heal, and rolled to to the outside of his foot, then to the ball of his foot. This a technique he learned in nature camp when he had walk as silently as he could in the forest.

When he reached the door, he slowly opened it and then closed it, proceeding with a normal tread, looking for a common room of some sort, somewhere where he could find Nico's dad. He eventually found a room, where Zion was sitting in a squishy recliner chair, typing away on a laptop. It was a very open spaced area, with some other leather furniture, a coffee table, and some boxes along the wall. There was a large, flat screen TV that was mounted onto the wall, and an excellent looking sound system with a bookshelf filled with books, video games, and DVDs.

"Oh, hi Will!" Zion interrupted Will from the scan of the room. He looked over to see Zion closing his laptop which appeared to be a sleek and light, and had an hp logo on the cover, along with some cool bumper stickers. Zion set down his laptop down on the cocoa bean coffee table, pushing the recliner back into an upright position. "What's up?"

"Oh, um, well I just woke up, I came over to check in on Nico earlier, cause he wasn't at school today, and he had just woken up, turns out he was fine, just sleeping. Uh anyways, he was all groggy, and I had a long day, so I fell asleep pretty quickly but yeah, I don't know, I didn't want to wake him up, but I also think I should probably go home, you know?" Will trailed off. "I'm sorry, I am talking way too much."

"No, you're good." Zion smiled. " I just arrived home from work, and I left fairly early in the morning, so I didn't realize that Nico didn't make it to school, I hope he's alright." A worried look crossed his face. "It's not like Nico to sleep past 05h30. Well, I'm glad you checked in on him, and that he's making friends at this new school! If you'd like to go home you can, or I'm going to start making dinner, soon. You could join us if you'd like."

"I'd love to join you for dinner, but maybe another night, I haven't been home yet, and I have homework to get done, I don't want to fall behind, that's always the worst." Will felt kind of bad he had to pass up the offer, but he really did have homework. "Let Nico know that I had to go, oh and I checked in with Shadow after school today, he's doing much better. He should be ready to be released in a couple of days." Will nodded, to go along with his words.

"Awesome! I'm so glad you could make him feel better!" Zion smiled broadly, "Shadow means a lot to Nico, and me, for that matter." He paused. "Well, I better let you get that homework done, way to be a responsible and productive! I was quite the procrastinator in highschool, it took a lot of work for me to figure out how to get all of the stuff done right, you know?"

"Yeah, I do, I used to procrastinate a lot last year, but I figured it out over the summer, planning and everything. Planning really helps." Will nodded, putting his hands in his pockets.

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