Chapter 15

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Nico had made a drawing layout for his room and then followed through with it, and it was an excellent space for him. He had lots of floor space, a comfy bed, a productive desk space, and more. He was very happy with the results. He was in a good mood, and it was 3 in the morning. He could sleep, or he could dance. He danced. He had his headphones in, and he played his favorite playlist, and relived his favorite times.

Nico used to dance everything when he was little. Now, he was too shy to do so, but when he was in a high and happy mood, he would dance alone in his room. It was very freestyle, and it had his heart going, his blood flowing. It would refresh him. Dancing was one of the few things, aside from writing, that he never wanted to stop. He laughed, and smiled, loving the feeling, he danced for hours, just letting go of everything.


When it was 05h30, Nico finally switched his music to something calmer and started to get ready for school. He took a cold shower, which removed the layer of sweat from his body, and it felt nice. He brushed his teeth, and his hair, and dressed in usual black attire, and then settled down at his desk, and opened his laptop. He checked in on SimplyBlog, to see how his feed was doing, and then he worked on one of his stories in a word document. He did this until it was time to go to school.


At school he settled into his chair at the back of his room in Algebra, and his mood took a drop. He didn't want to be here, at school, he didn't like the constant stimulation. Putting in his earbuds, he closed his eyes and leaned into the corner.

Only for somebody to tap him on the arm.

Nico growled and opened his eyes to see Will looking at him in the face and smiling. "Good morning sleepy head." He smirked.

Nico just squinted at him and took out his headphones. "I was busy."

"Well pretty soon you're going to be busy with something else, we have a test today." Will shrugged.

Nico froze. "Crud, I don't think I've payed attention in this class once." What was even worse was that math was one of his weakest subjects, so who knows how he'd do on this test. Whatever he thought, shrugging, I'll figure it out.

He then put his earbuds back in, and zoned out, waiting for class to start.

Mr. Smith passed out the tests, and when he reached Nico's desk he set the test down in front of him, and Nico looked at the gibberish, with a look of fear. He heard the teacher's voice faintly, glancing up at him, he tugged out his earbuds to listen. "No phones out during the test, and no headphones either. Please."

Nico tried to keep himself together while he wrapped his headphones around his phone. His hands shaking. He didn't know how he was going to get through this test without music. "Oh, okay." He mumbled, trying to keep the shake out of his voice. He noticed Will out of the corner of his eye with a concerned look on his face, causing Nico to be annoyed, annoyed that Will would be concerned for him.

He slipped his phone into his backpack, and pulled out a pencil. "Backpack to the front of the room as well please." Mr. Smith added, moving on to pass out the test to others.

Nico tried not to have a meltdown right then and there. He picked up his backpack and trudged to the front setting it down with the others, which he didn't realize had been moved there till now.

Nico returned to his seat, and sat down with a thud of defeat. When Mr. Smith announced that they could begin working, Nico picked up his pencil and looked at the sheet in front of him. He saw words correlated to math that he had never seen before, or didn't know what they meant. He had no clue how to solve these problems whatsoever.

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