Chapter 9

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Nico had slept almost the whole day, and woke up at about 4 in the afternoon. He felt like crying without even knowing why. He turned on Pandora Radio and continued writing. After awhile he decided to check out his SimplyBlog, see what he could do with it.

After some exploring he found a few other books to read that were in his reading genre, but he didn't feel like reading. He just felt like writing his own thing. He wrote the first chapter of his new story on SimplyBlog and published it, and wondered if people would like it.

As soon as he thought about something other than his writing, he felt overwhelmed and extremely depressed, worse than ever before. But he couldn't write all day, he needed to eat. Nah, actually, I don't need food. Nico thought. He wrote for another couple hours on SimplyBlog so he could feel okay. Distractions. He actually could write all day. He went to bed at about one in the morning, really not wanting to go to school in the morning.


Will had spent about half of Sunday doing all of his last minute homework, and the other half drawing whatever passed through his mind. In his Closet Haven he felt safe and free to be what he felt he should be. Solemn, pessimistic, it reminded him of Nico. Will turned around to look at all of his drawings. He saw the one in the middle, of the storm and the two boys that are opposite, sun and moon, light and dark, something like that. He knew that it meant something important, but he still didn't know what yet.

His drawing hand cramped from drawing, Will decides to catch up on reading. Mid summer, he fell into a binge of reading, and he had about 6 books checked out from the library that he still needed to read. He also made a SimplyBlog account, because Reyna was writing a book on their, and she wanted Will to read it. Will has been reading it as it updates, which is slow, because Reyna is always reading more than writing, but Will has found a few cool stories on there as well, and he read some of those this summer. Will stayed up a little after midnight reading, and was amped for school the next day so he could see Nico and his friends. I hope Nico is feeling better...


The next day Will managed to arrive at school a couple minutes early. I'm doing a lot better at this whole waking up early and get to school thing. Will thought as he walked into Algebra 2. He sat down in the back with Nico as usual.

"Hey Nico, how are you feeling?" Will asked, sitting down at his desk. Nico just glanced up and stared blankly at Will. His eyes looked unfocused and he wasn't listening to music like usual.

"You good?" Will asked him again, and Nico shook his head and then rested it on his desk. The third bell rang, and Will looked up, attempting to focus on the front of the room and the teacher, but it was impossible, for he had a sad, mute Nico sitting next to him.

Will rested his hand on Nico's knee, and felt Nico tense up, then relax. He looked to tired to fight off anything. All of his fighting was mental. Will could tell by the bags under Nico's eyes that were even more pronounced than usual, and his hair was disheveled more than ever.

Will spent most of class admiring the way Nico's shaggy hair hung over his face, how his long pale fingers folded together, and how his black jeans scrunched up at the heel because they were too big. Will was now resting his head on his desk as well, facing Nico.


Time passed, the bell rang, and with a jolt, Will realized that he had no idea what was taught in this period at all, I'll have to catch up on that later. He thought, sitting back in his chair, he didn't want to let go of Nico's hand. Nico had taken his hand someway through class. But Will didn't really remember when, for the past hour had been pretty vague. Will traced his thumb in a circle on the thigh of Nico's hand. Nico slowly looked up, he appeared to be incredibly drained.

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