Chapter 5

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That was the second time Nico ran away from me. Why? Am I doing something wrong? Will wondered as he was biking home from school. The August wind was a little chilly, encouraging him to bike faster. He had been happy all day and it was tiring. He just wanted to be in his room drawing and listening to music, feel that feeling he always had when he did so. It reminded him of Nico. And ever since Will met him, he couldn't get Nico out of his head.

When he reached his house, he opened the garage door, hastily returning his bike to the rack and placing his helmet on the bike seat. Skipping stairs, he made it to his room and closed the door. Sighing with relief, he could finally breathe and be that part of him that had been eating him out all day. He entered his closet, and turned on the book light and iPod speaker before settling into his bean bag chair. Queuing up his music then grabbing his sketchbook from the top of the pile of books, and a pencil from his jar, he fell into his usual drawing chance.


Nico couldn't stop thinking about Will. His amazing smile, his sunny personality, his golden hair. Stop thinking about him Nico!! He's most definitely straight. He has to be. For that hot? Definitely. Nico!! Stop!! Nico hid under all of his covers and pillows, trying to hide from his uncontrollable thoughts that were rushing through his mind. He couldn't stop them. Not with music. Not with writing. Nothing. All he could do is lay there. Finally his tears fell. The ones that he had to hold back most of the day. Why do I have to be gay? I'll probably never be in a relationship. Just me and Shadow. No friends, no boyfriend, forget it. As these thoughts rushed through his mind, he shook from crying and eventually fell asleep.


On the second day of school, Will did the same thing, leaving himself only 15 minutes to get himself ready. Maybe he should go to bed earlier. After rushing out the door, he mounted his bike and strapped on his helmet, his main focus to get to school on time.

Arriving a minute before the first bell, he locked up his bike and skipped the stairs to the third floor, making it into Algebra 2 right after the second bell. Scanning the room Will saw Nico sitting in the back corner with his headphones in, eyes closed and head tilted against the back wall. Everyone was sitting where they did yesterday, claiming their seats, and Will new that it will be this seating for the rest of the semester, maybe even the whole year.

Slightly disappointed that he could sit in the front of the class or with his friends, Leo and Piper, which he smiled and waved to, he made his way to the back of the classroom. Will settled down into his chair, getting out his things for class. He glanced at Nico, who still had his eyes closed. Will tapped him on the shoulder. Nico opened his eyes only to glare at Will. He then closed his eyes again and turned away from him, shoving his hands in his sweatshirt pockets. Seriously, what did I do wrong? Will wondered, slightly concerned for Nico. Doing his best to shrug it off, he turned his attention to the front of the classroom.


Towards the end of class, Will glanced at Nico who now had a very solemn look on his face. Will was starting to get worried about Nico. He was more reserved than yesterday, and despite his looks, it'd seem he'd be more communicative than he was now. Will tapped his shoulder. Nico just stared at him, a sad look in his eyes, but his face otherwise disinterested. Nico just sort of stared at him.

"Are you okay?" Will asked. Nico just looked at him blankly.

"What?" Nico asked, pulling out his headphones.

"Oh I was just asking if you were okay." Will said. "Are you?"

"Uh yeah, I guess." Nico responded. "Why do you ask?" He looked slightly annoyed that I bothered him.

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