Chapter 13

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I really really really don't want to go to school today, everything is just so complicated and confusing and hard and tiring and AUGH. Will thought, dragging himself out of bed, fifteen minutes before he had to leave to go to school.

He threw on some sweats and a hoodie, not bothering with his hair, and went downstairs to make a quick breakfast. After he was done eating, he left the house and headed to school.

When he arrived, he skipped the steps to math class, trying not to be late.

He arrived just as the minute-bell rang, and looking towards the back, Nico wasn't to be seen. Will sighed in disappointment, and plopped himself down in his usual seat.

Will made it through math, but that doesn't necessarily mean that he enjoyed it, he was starting to find school much less exciting than usual, it was probably since Nico wasn't there. 


As he started to head to drawing class, for the first time today he remembered what he was planning on telling Jaylin. He had a little internal freak out, but he tried to calm himself down. If you want to learn your identity better, you need to let go of some things, this is important for you to follow through with, it will make your life less miserable. Will thought, giving himself a little pep talk before he walked into the classroom.
"Hey Jaylin." Will greeted, sitting down next to his 'girlfriend'. "How ya doin'?" He asked.

Jaylin looked up and smiled, "Pretty good, just working on this drawing here." She said, gesturing to the piece of paper in front of her, it was a cartoon owl sitting on a pile of books, she was done with the outline, and now she was working on the shading.

"Who requested that one?" Will asked, leaning closer to inspect the paper.

Jaylin's cheeks slightly tinted rose as she mumbled, "um, it's, uh Rain. They're in my English class and they're really smart. They saw me drawing, so they asked me if I took drawing requests. I do, so, uh, they asked me to draw something for them, something they thought they'd like. Uh, they like owls, and I met them in my English class, so I decided to draw this... Rai- Rain thinks that black and white photos are really cool, so I decided to make this all in graphite..."

Jaylin had increasingly grown more red, but Will decided not to point it out. "That's really cool! I love how much thought you put into the piece." Will smiled genuinely. From the shade of Jaylin's cheeks, this plan I have might not be that hard. Will thought. "Anyways," Will stated. "I was wondering if you have time to talk during lunch today? I was thinking we could go to the library."

"Sure that sounds good, I'll see you there." Jaylin mumbled, focusing back on her work.

The bell rang for class to start, and today they focused on keeping a steady hand while drawing shapes. Will wasn't really into it- for he liked having unsteady, light, and sketch-like drawings, he wasn't really into cartoons- but he worked hard for the grade, knowing there would be some good tips in the future.


Lunch came along, and Will led Jaylin to the library, where they sat together in one of the quiet corners.

"So..." Will started, "I have something to say..." He really didn't want to do this.

"Okay, go ahead." Jaylin gave Will an encouraging smile.

I don't want to do this,
I don't want to do this,
I don't want to do this.
Will thought.

"Uhm... So, I'm not really feeling like this is a relationship, you, just like everyone else I know, they all feel like siblings that I'm really close with... Uh I think it might be partly cause I've been questioning my sexuality and.." Will broke off, sinking in his seat just wanting to disappear.

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