Chapter 5

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Luckily I found Frank on the Friday, so it left the weekend for us to get to know each other and have Frank settle down, but Monday soon came and I had to go back to school, that horrible prison like hell hole of a school.

"What am i supposed to do while your out?" Frank was sat on the edge of my bed, still a little sleepy since it was so early in the morning

"Just chill out, theres movies and comics or you know...sleep or eat food?" I said as I searched my room for a t-shirt

"What if someone knocks on the door? or calls?"

"Don't answer" 

"What if-" Frank stuttered

"Frankie!" I snapped

"You'll be fine, text me if anything happens or you need me okay?" I handed Frank my old phone which had a crack in the corner

"Sorry" Frank said quietly. I looked at him and smiled.

I finished getting dressed and went to go brush my teeth, I glanced at my reflection that looked at me. The same thoughts went through my head; 'Ugly'

After I brushed my teeth and spat the last of the tooth paste out into the sink I looked at the mirror again, but this time I grabbed the brush from on top of the cupboard and brushed through my clean-ish hair. After I did it I thought to myself, I wasn't trying to impress anyone was I?... no one liked him anyway. Right?

I walked into my bedroom to find Frank sitting on my bed with his legs crossed and his eyes glued to the screen of the phone he had been given. I giggled and Frank noticed as he looked up and smiled 

"Thanks for the uh phone" Frank said lifting the phone up slightly then putting it back in both hands

"No problem, at least we can talk to each other while i'm at school" I smiled

"Yeah, i won't be all alone" 

"I'll text you when i get to school" I said grabbing my bag and putting it on my shoulder. Frank stood up and followed me to the living room. I turned around before heading for the door. I locked eyes with Frank and smiled, then suddenly in a blink of an eye I had Franks arms wrapped around my neck again. God damn this kid was sneaky, small but sneaky. I wrapped his arms around Franks waist and felt him burry his head into my shoulder a little bit. 

"See you after school Frankie" I loosened my grip and so did Frank, we were now stood in front of each other again

"Text me when you get there" Frank smiled

"I promise" I smiled back. I turned around and opened the door

"I'll lock the doors so no one gets in"

"Okay, bye Gee" Frank waved slightly and gave me a sad smile

"Bye Frankie"

While I was walking to school I couldn't get Frank out my head. He was like my first  friend, who actually liked me. I started to feel like I was missing him already as I approached the school gates, late again.

When I got into class and opologized for not wanting to come to school and that was the reason I was late, I sat down at the desk and got my phone out to text Frank

'Hey, Frankie - Gee' 

I waited for a few seconds and felt my phone viabrate in my hand

'Hey Gee - Frankie'

'You okay? - Gee'

'Yeah, i'm a bit lonely but that's okay - Frankie' 

I couldn't help but have the feeling of wanting to wrap Frank in my arms

'Wish i could stay at home rather then be in this shit hole - Gee'

'Thought you were at school, not in an ass crack XD - Frank' 

I giggled to myself and smiled while he texted back

'Is there a difference? Hahaha - Gee'

I didn't concentrate in that lesson or any other lessons for that matter, I was too busy texting Frank all day. My day wasn't going too bad, just a few insults being thrown at me here and there but nothing I couldn't ignore but like always, I spoke too soon

"Look what we have here?" A deep voice said as I looked up from my phone, I rolled my eyes and tried to silently avoid the situation. Which was pointless

"Don't try run away this time shitstick" the jock said. The jocks were just a bunch of dicks, big hairy ugly dicks. There was Jake Peterson, the 'leader' of the gang, the one that bullied and kicked me around the most. The other jocks were just as irrelevent as school itself.

Jake followed my footsteps until we were face to face, well kind of, he was a lot taller than me since he was so stocked up on steriods and went to the gym everyday.

"Who ya textin, your imaginary friend?" Jake snatched the phone from my hands so fast I only noticed when he held the phone in front of my face

"ohhh Frankie wankie" Jake teased 

"Piss off Jake. Why do you give a fuck about me?" my eyes were scowling at the tall guy in front of me 

"You cheeky fuck, i should pound your head against his fucking locker and shove this phone down your fucking throat, faggot" Jakes eyes met with mine and a grin grew on his face

I rolled my eyes and made a 'i don't give a fuck' face towards him.

"Alrighty then" Jake said as he clenched his fist and swung it at my head. 

I felt a horrid pain go through my skull, I backed away a little as I rubbed my head and scrunched my face up in pain. I was almost used to this pain or worse, but it still hurt like a motherfucker

Jake threw the phone at the wall making the back come off, which was fixable since it was old and probably couldn't be broken even if it was run over by a monster truck. I ran over to the phone a clicked the back on and checked the messages

'Gee? You okay? Your not answering - Frankie'

'Sorry dumbass Jock punched me :( - Gee'

'Motherfucker... >:( -Frankie'

I went to the boys toilet to clean myself up and clean the dry blood from his mouth. Then my phone buzzed, then buzzed again...and again.

'Gee, there's a cops down the street... - Frankie'


'Fuck they're knocking on peoples doors! - Frankie'

'Gee, what if they've found me?! - Frankie'

Fuck. Why were the on the other side of New Jersey already?

'Dont answer the door! Hide in my bedroom and don't come out! I'm coming home wait until i shout you okay!? _ Gee'

I had to hurry. what if they found Frankie already? I wasn't letting him go, not now.

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