Chapter 12

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The next morning i woke up to my alarm next my bed ringing in my ear. I reached my arm over to my phone and turned the alarm of, then wrapping my arm under the duvet to get warm again, and hopefully fall back to sleep. But of course, i had school and since i skipped yesterday i couldn't skip another day because they would call home and be all 'your son hasn't attended school blah blah blah' .

I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes before opening my heavy tired eyelids and waking up before the alarm went off again and scare the shit out of him.

He gave out a massive yawn and stretched his arms while he sat up in bed and turned the alarm off, he looked over to his right to see Frank laid on his stomach in a deep sleep. I could hear his heavy breathing and realised he was probably drooling on my pillow, nice.

It was too early to get up especially for me, so i laid my head back on the pillow to sleep for another five minutes, not like that was possible, i was more likely to sleep for another twenty minutes by accident but i really couldn't give a shit so i tried to close my eyes and go back to sleep. I laid down facing Frank who had his back to me, he closed his eyes and quickly fell asleep. We were basically accidently spooning...

I woke and opened my eyes to see Frank facing me and now breathing heavily in my face, which wasn't that bad because he didn't really have bad morning breath so it was all good. I looked at Frank and studied his facial features, from his perfectly round eyes gently closed to his mouth wide open snoring...

While i was looking at Frank my mother opened the door to tell me to wake up, but i was already to bed... Fuck.

"Oh morning, I just came to uhh tell you to uh wake up but I guess you uhh already are..." She said awkwardly furrowing her eyebrows while she glanced at Frank then me then back at Frank.

"Oh uhh y-yeah, i'll be up in a minute" i stuttered. Frank then began to shuffle around and wake up

"Okay I can make you coffee, do you want coffee? Uhh does F-Frank want coffee?" She stuttered out as she saw him waking up

"Uh ye please Miss-Donna" Frank mumble as he curled up in a ball next to me and rested his head on my chest

"Uhh mhm okay yeah" She quickly closed the door from the awkward situation

"Oh my god" i muttered as i flopped my head back on the pillow then i heard Frank chuckle to himself

"Did you do that on purpose?" I asked

"I don't know what you mean"

I rolled his eyes and sighed, i knew what he was doing, little shit. Trying to make it all awkward and shit in front of my mom...

"That was so fucking awkward"

"Does she not know your gay?" Franks head shot up and he raised an eyebrow

"Yeah, but she's never seen uh anything you know?"

"Oh right... Yeah it was awkward" Frank laid his head back on my chest still curled up in a ball

"Get off, I need to go get my coffee!" I giggled

"No! I'm comfy!" Frank wriggled so i was almost trapped underneath him, but Frank was a light fuck and i could lift him up easily

"NoooOOOOooo" Frank mumbled as i pushed him off and stood up

"I need coffee!"

"Well, so do I so i'm coming with you" Frank crawled out of bed in his boxers

"Why are you just in your boxers?" asked curiously, not that i didn't like it, just...curious

"What? I got warm" Frank looked down and shrugged

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