Chapter 23

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The sky was slowly turning grey throughout the time of me getting wasted on a bottle of vodka.

"W-what th-" i slurred as I looked up at the figure above me "The fuck you doin 'ere?"

"I got your call and you seemed pretty fucked so I guessed shit got bad" I stumbled to my feet and was now stood in front of my Dad who had the rest of my vodka in his hand

"Uhh wha-what call?" I squinted my eyes to clear my blurred vision

"You called me about half an hour saying how much your mother was being a stupid bitch, and then you said some shit i couldnt work out because by the looks of it youve had too much to drink and your drunk" he said looking at me dissaprovingly as i stumbled around trying to listen to what he was telling me over the banging in my head.

"Can i h-have it back?" I said trying to grab the bottle from his hand

"Where did you get this from? Your not old enough!" He said as he moved the bottle away from my grasp.

"Its mine! I fucking paid for it dumbass" i said stumbling backwards

"I'm taking you home" he said with a stern look

"I am not!...going home!" I said pushing past him to grab my phone that was on the floor "Give me that!" I tried to grab the vodka from his hands again missing and falling onto him and stumbling over my feet

"Im taking you home now. You're a mess Gerard!" He said smashing the bottle making it shatter in front of me

"WHAT THE FUCK DAD!? I- YOU KNOBHEAD!" I screamed at him pushing him away from me and trying to storm off dramatically but i just had to stumble over my feet and fall flat on my face.

I guess you could say i was an angry drunk when you pissed me off but otherwise i was just clumsy as fuck.

He grabbed my wrist pulling my onto my feet as i shoved him away.

"Gerard!" I heard a voice from behind me but was too fucked to bother who it was until their face was in front of me, Mikeys face to be specific, and Frank.

"Frankie!" I pushed past Mikey and wrapped my arms around Frank clumsily as he held me up

"Whats wrong with him?" Frank asked my dad and brother

"Hes drunk!" My dad said to Mikey "how could you let him get like this again?!"

"I-it wasn't my fault-" Mikey shouted

"W-wait...again?" Frank asked with worry in his voice

"Frankie" i said as i pulled away "i just fell on my ass- it fuckin' hurts-" i slurred my speech making it hard to understand "aw man i-i killed so many fuckin' plants" i said pointing to around the place i fell

"Come on Gee, lets go home" Frank said softly wrapping his arm around me

"M'kay" i said following him down the street

"Ill give you a lift home boys" i heard my dad say behind us.

I dont know what happened cos im pretty sure i passed out and then i woke up with my head on Franks lap but i was way too fucking tired to get up so i went back to sleep.


I woke up from my drunken slumber to find myself in bed with Frank sat up and his arm around me. I shuffled as I awoke and mumbled, my head was banging and my eyes felt heavy and i'm pretty sure I was going to be sick every time I moved.

"Gee?" Franks voice was soft as he spoke to me

"Hm?" I mumbled as I looked up at him lazily

"How are you feeling?" He looked down at me with a gentle smile

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