Chapter 46

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As i stand there, my comic books slowly slipping from my grip. I stare at the now empty space in front of me, my mind completly blank and empty.

My heart begins to bear slowly and unfortunately, im still alive and breathing. I let out the breath of air i was holding in, my heart bearing faster as i completly drop all of my Comic books, now stood there completly empty handed.

Like a switch had been switched in a flash, i lift my feet from where they were nailed to the floor and dash to the door, leaving the scattered comic books on the floor.

As i grab the door knob and swing it open with great force, the cold air slaps me on the way out. My head turns side to side, my eyes following as they examine the citizens on the street gking about there day. My eyes search for the black hooded, short boy.

My eyes point towards the street directly in front of me and that's when i see him, his head down weaving in and out of people.

My legs lead me across te busy road, dodging cars and bikes and buses and i end u, somehow survive on the other side.

My eyes lock onto the boy once again, and i focus on him and him only.

I push through the group's of people, and past all the shops, my speed increasing as i get closer to him.

"Frank?" I call out as i weave in and out through the thick crowds.

He doesn't turn around but i certainly notice him picking up speed and adjusting his hood.

He suddenly turns a sharp corner down another street, it's slightly less busy but i manage to get through the crowds easy.

"Frank!" I shout louder and try running through the small groups of people scattered down the streets.

He cranes his neck to get a quick glance of me, quickly turning back around and kept his speed of walking fast.

I suddenly trip over some stubborn cobble from the cobble street and fall past bunches of people, i hold my hands out to protect me from the hard surface but it does nothing for me when i fall flat on my front, i graze my knees as they skid across the hard cobble.

I look up to see legs coming to and from every direction past me, dirty shoes and feet wander past my face and i let out a heavy, shaky and exhausted sigh.

Until I see a black pair of legs stopping right in front of me. I frown and crawl up to my feet, brushing the mud and stray stone of my black mucky hoodie. I sigh heavily before looking up.

"Where the fuck were you going?" Lindsey questions me as she raises her eyebrow and crosses her arms.

I ignore her and glance behind her seeing the black hoodie disappear into the thick crowds.

"Gerard!" Lindsey waves her hand infront of my face, getting my attention.

"Hm?" I mumble nervously

"What are you doing? Why were you running off?" She questions me again and I swallow the lump in my throat.

"I-I saw Frank" I mutter quietly.

She says nothing but gives me a quizzical look "W-when I was at the comic b-book store I saw him, it was him- he-he had dark hair, longer than normal and like- a beard or stubble, and a black hoodie on. It was him I know it was- he just walked out and so I follo-" I ramble on, without any breath left as Lindsey interrupts me.

"What do you mean? Who are you talking about?" She asks frowning at me.

"F-frank. He was here, I know he was- I saw him I promise it was Frank!" I put my hands on her shoulders and look at her in the eyes. 

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