Chapter 25

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~~~~( A week later)~~~~

So the past week has been kind of average and boring really.

School has been boring me to death, not to mention Jake and his buddy's beating me to death. The teachers hate me and I have no friends, I eventually give up half way through the day and skip a couple of lessons, I know I shouldn't but anything is better than that shithole.

Joe has been coming round to see my mum every now and then after she comes home from work, she still hasn't realized how much of a knob he is.

Whenever he comes round Frank and I sneak off to the windmill and hangout there. We have become so much closer, our friendship has grown and we tell each other everything, we're each others best friends.

But this week something was different I found myself looking at his lips or at his eyes when he spoke and I just zoned out, like I was hypnotized. I have to also fight the urge of wanting to kiss him sometimes, especially when he's just stood there talking to me.

Mikey has band practice everyday after school with Ray and every now and then would ask me if I wanted to go. I would go if Frank could come, but clearly that's not happening. I did consider going though, I just hate having to talk to people, I'm so awkward and people don't like me anyway so why try and talk to them. I had never met Ray, he should be nice though since Mikey likes him and he says he's really nice.

"Gee?" Frank nudged me pulling me from my thoughts. We were sat at the windmill smoking and reading comic books of course

"Hm?" I hummed in response

"You zoned out" He chuckled "Just checking your still alive"

I nodded taking a drag of my cigarette.

"What's wrong?" He asked shuffling himself so his body was facing me, his legs were crossed and his head propped up with his hand

"Nothing, actually" I smiled, Everything was going alright, nothing went wrong. I hadn't drank since the night I passed out, I avoided Franks dad and me and Frank were happy just sitting with each other even if it were in complete silence

"Oh?" He said tilting his head


"Why's that Gee?" He questioned with a smile

Everything was fine, and Frank made everything better, just being with him made the butterflies in my stomach wake up. His smile making my cheeks flush, even locking eye contact for a couple of seconds making me feel flustered.

I shrugged and flashed him a smile. Not a fake smile, a real smile.

We locked eye contact and my heart skipped a beat. Nothing was said as we stared into each others eyes, his greeny hazel eyes like glass marble looking into mine.

I felt my cheeks burn as he slowly began leaning towards me, cupping my face with his free hand and throwing his cigarette away so he had full attention on me.

His lips were soft as they connected with mine and I melted in the kiss instantly relaxing.

I placed my hands on his thighs propping myself up as he budged closer towards me so he was kneeling in front of me

The kiss deepened quickly as my hands started to explore his body, his hips down to his thighs. He licked my bottom lip as if it was a question to go further, I opened my mouth a little allowing him to explore, as did I.

My breathing got heavier into the heated make out session as my hands moved up his thighs.

Frank and i eventually pulled away before things got...there, he looked at me before sitting against the wall with a grin. I chuckled a little as I shook my head

"What?" He said laughing

I turned my head to face him with a large smile on my face

"Something make you happy Gee?" He said grinning at me, I nodded

"Mhm, Something make you excited Frankie?" I said winking and looking down at his crotch

"Hm? Oh fuck- Uhh yeah we should get going" He said standing up scrunching his face. I laughed at him staying sat down

"Want help with your little problem?" I grinned, wait did I just say that out loud? Oh fuck, since when was I so confident and cocky.

"Uhh- Excuse me?" He looked down at me with a questioning and slightly offended look

"I uhh I mea-"

"Little?" He said looking dramatically offended now, I laughed at him being a drama queen

"J-just uhh think of like uhh needles! yeah" I thought, He glanced at me like I was stupid "I hate fucking needles, surely that'll make it go away"


"Hm?" I said looking up at him

"One, I have tattoos, which involve needles and two, stop looking at it" He chuckled

"Oh uh yeah- I uhh" I stuttered tripping over my words, I didn't realize I was staring at it, how fucking embarrassing, and how fucking stupid am I?

After his problem had died down we walked back home.


"Hey, Gee i'm going out now" Mikey called before opening the door. Frank and I were in the kitchen talking.

"Okay, i'll see you later" I shouted back

"You can still come with me if you want?" He asked, I thought for a second. I wanted to go, but the only things that were stopping me were that I would have to talk to people and I would also have to leave Frank and I didn't want to do either of them things.

Frank saw my hesitation and looked at me

"You can go" He said, I looked up and shook my head

"I don't want to leave you though" I said as my cheeks flushed light pink

"I can look after myself for a couple of hours Gee" He chuckled

"I know b-but" I stuttered

"Go. Have fun, join the band wagon" He chuckled again this time pushing me towards the door

"Gee!?" Mikey shouted

"Uhh" I looked at Frank again before answering, he nodded and pushed me out the kitchen "Yeah I-i'm coming, hang on" I shouted back hesitantly

I pulled my boots on and followed my brother out the door.

A/N Hellooo :)

I've just had a pretty good Idea for the next few chapters and recently the chapters have been so fucking boring but hopefully the next chapters will be pretty good, hope your liking it anyways byeeee :)))

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