Chapter 26

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It was only a short walk until we ended up at someone's garage.

Mikey walked in first and I followed behind him trying to hide.

"Hey! Mikey is here guys!" Some one shouted while approaching us, he was the same height as me and had the most biggest, amazing hair I have ever seen.

"Hey guys" Mikey responded, he stepped aside and smiled at me "My brother finally decided to come"

I smiled awkwardly "Hi"

"Hey, i'm Ray" The boy with the big hair smiled at me, so this is the boy Mikey always talks about.

"Gerard" I smiled

"I'm gonna get a drink" Mikey said walking off "Want one Gerard?"

"N-no i'm good thanks" I said looking down at my dirty boots

"I'll introduce you to everyone" Ray said. Oh god, no please don't make me talk to everyone for Christ sake.

We walked over to a girl with black shoulder-length hair, she had a black shirt and a plaid skirt on.

"Hey Lindsey this is Mikey's older brother" I looked up and smiled

"Ohh, Hey Gerard right?" She said smiling widely


"Hey, nice boots" She said looking down at my dirty Doc Martens

"Oh uhh thanks" I said looking down at them before smiling at her, that definatly boosted my confidence.

"I have some, similar to yours actually"

"Nice, These are super dirty though" I awkwardly laughed

"Eh they look cool" She shrugged flashing me a friendly smile.

I was gay, I knew that 100% but Lindsey was extremely beautiful, she was different to any other girl I had ever seen. Her hair was dark and framed her face perfectly, her cheek bones were contoured perfectly and her lips were covered with red lipstick.

"Okay before I third wheel, you can meet Bob" Ray chuckled ushering me away. Lindsey laughed as did I.

We then wandered over to Bob I suppose, he was a big guy I guess, not fat and not too tall just a bit taller than me. He had blonde gingerish hair and deep blue eyes, a black lip ring and slight stubble.

"Bob this is Gerard" Ray introduced

"Oh hey" He said before looking back down and fiddling with his drum kit

"Hi" I said awkwardly

"Okay then...Uhh Hey Jamia!" He said turning around and nudging a girl

"Oh Ray hey" she looked at me and then Ray with a questioning look

"This is Gerard, Mikey's brother" Yet again I smiled

"Oh hi!"

"Hi" I smiled

"Nice top" She said, I looked down at my Metallica t-shirt

"Thanks, you like Metallica?" I asked

"Yeah, they're cool" She said smiling

I nodded in response.

"Oi, Raybone" A guy said startling Ray as he turned around "who's this?" He nodded towards me

"Gerard, Mikey's br-" Ray began

"Hey, Metallica nice!" He cut off pushing past Ray and standing in front of me.

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