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"Okay team." Shiro called to gauge everyone's attention. "Time to free these prisoners." He said. So far they had managed to shut the ship's engines down so that it crashed into a planet that it was hovering above. "Pidge and Lance, get onto the ship, get Keith and free as many prisoners as possible. Me, Hunk and Coran in the castle will give covering fire. Coran, as soon as Lance as Pidge have evacuated some prisoners you need to go and load them onto the castle." Shiro said, being the born leader he always is. The other paladins agreed with him and Lance and Pidge headed down to the empty stone planet the ship was on. 

     Both placed their lions on the dark side of the planet. They both excited their lions and pursued the castle with their jet packs. They arrived at the ship a few minutes later. "Ready?" Lance asked to which Pidge replied with a nod. Pidge started to cut a hole big enough for both to fit in into the ship. Pidge went in first and slid about three meters to the floor. "Careful Lance, there's a drop." Pidge said, standing up. Lance came through and fell straight down. Pidge giggled slightly. "I told you." Pidge said. Lance got up and brushed the dust from the ship off of him. "Now where?" He asked. They were in a dark corridor with doors either side. Both looked around. "Should we try right?" Pidge asked, looking at the door. She knew it would take forever to search the ship. "Why don't I go left and you go right? That way we can cover more area." Lance said. "No!" Pidge said. "The worst thing we can do is split up." She said before heading towards the door on the right. It wasn't locked so the two just pushed it open. More corridors, like a maze. Two Galra soldiers came from one side and saw them. It started firing. Lance got out the hefty gun he owned from his bayard and shot the two soldiers. "Nice."Pidge said before they ran forward. 

    "We need to get to some sort of control panel to get a map of at least part of the ship." Pidge said. They got to a door guarded by two sentries. "Should we try this?" Lance asked. Pidge nodded. Lance moved in front of Pidge and aimed his weapon at the two guards. As the ammo went out, it hit one guard, went through it and hit the other. "Killing two birds with one stone." Lance said in a cocky way. They stood up and peered into the room. Empty. "Okay." Pidge said, running into the room. She hacked into the system and put in a memory card in. "We have a map of this floor, the floor below the floor above. Look there's cells in the lower blocks and one big one above." Pidge said. Lance looked on eagerly as Pidge looked into the systems. She saw that there were many sentries around the floor above them. "Can you get into the cameras?" Lance asked. Pidge opened up the camera outside of the cell. "That's Keith!" She shouted as she saw him led on his back, cuts and burns on his body. "Is that....my dad?" She asked herself aloud as she saw a grey haired man next to him, shooting sentries. ."We have to get down there." Lance and Pidge said at the same time. 

     The two ran out of the room and towards the lift. "Don't forget the Galra arm." Lance said, picking up the arm of a deceased Galra and he put it against the door. It opened and both stepped in eagerly. Lance looked at the buttons and struggled to understand and he made a grunt to express it. Pidge looked over and pressed a button. "How'd you know what button to press?" Lance asked with a face of confusion. "Lucky guess or something?" He asked. Pidge smiled. "The button that was yellow is the floor we're on I assume so I just pressed the one above." 

    The lift stopped and the doors opened. The two could hear the weapons firing. They got to a corner. Lance peered around the edge. Matt was sat on the floor next to Keith who was led on his back. Matt was shooting soldiers left and right, exerting all of his power into protecting others. Keith led there, seemingly lifeless. It was a horrible sight. He could see a grey haired man, likely Pidge's father sat on Keith's other side, shooting weakly with a cut on his head. He turned back to Pidge. "It's them." He whispered. Pidge looked as well and ran before Lance even had an idea what was going on. Pidge shot her bayard at some guards, pulling them down to the floor. Matt shot them then looked up to see who protected him. "Katie?" He asked, his eyes slightly squinted without his glasses and he needed a closer look to confirm that his saviour was his sister. Pidge's eyes filled with tears. "Matt. Dad." She said, greeting the two after so long apart. Lance took responsibility for shooting sentries as Pidge ran to her family. Pidge held her brother and father, sobbing into them. "I've been looking for ages! I was starting to think I would never find you!" Pidge cried, tears streaming down her cheeks. Matt pushed his head further into her. "You've grown so much Katie. The only thing I wanted was to be reunited with my family again." He said with a smile as he can now fill the role of a big brother again. "It's so nice to hold my children in my arms again." Sam said with a smile. "I'm sorry but your friend is fighting alone we must help." Sam said. They let go of each other and started shooting the Galra soldiers who seemed to not stop. "Lance. Come over here!" Pidge yelled. She cleared a path for Lance and he ran. He put his right hand on Keith's face then checked for a pulse. He breathed a sigh of relief and held Keith's rough hand. 

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