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Two days later

The sounds of screaming woke up the weakened boy. He opened his eyes and he realized that the nightmare was not over. Once again the Galra were firing their weapons at the innocent beings that posed no threat. This time he had to do something. He crawled closer; two soldiers. One was armed, one wasn't. He looked around the room, trying to find a way to kill them without a weapon. There was no way to get higher, no escape. Keith thought of a way to kill these horrible guards. It was like he lost all sense of logic Oh  quiznak. He thought as he took in a deep breath. Keith stood up, with both hands against the wall as he got used to the movement. He waited until the guard was focusing on one area of the room before running towards him. Keith ran so fast that the Galra guards didn't even notice him. One strong kick to the face and the guard was down. As he fell to the floor Keith grabbed the weapon and aimed it at the other. Keith shot him. It was over for them. He took a deep breath then fell back to the cold, hard floor. "Keith!" A voice yelled, Sam's voice. "Keith!" He yelled as he came near to the boy. He helped Keith sit up. "I can't tell if that was stupid or smart." he said before laughing. 

     The ship started to shake, it felt like an earth quake. The power shut off and the lights went out. It then had the feeling of falling. It seemed to last forever. The falling stopped and the ship crashed which sent people flying. Sam hit the ground again after he was shot up. "Sam!" Keith yelled, making his way over. He turned Sam over and saw a gaping wound on his forehead dripping with blood. Alarms started blaring but the doors stayed open. The other prisoners gave a mutual uneasy feel. This can't be the end! Keith hoped with all that was left. "Keith." Sam said weakly, "Find Matt. He should be in the lower part of the ship. You need to get out and find him." Sam said, gripping onto Keith's shirt tightly. Keith wasn't going to leave Sam easily. Not in this state at least. "No. I can't leave you. You've helped me so I won't give up on you." Keith said, putting his hand over Sam's. Sam smiled. "I'll be here when you get back. Matt is on the 2nd deck, two below this." Sam said before wiping some blood from his eyes. Keith tapped Sam's hand and Sam let go. "I won't be long." He said before making his way to the door. 

     Keith grabbed the weapon which he used to kill the two sentries and ran. He fiddled with it as he ran, looking at all the grooves and buttons. He was impressed at the power and complexity of it. He had no clue where he was going so he just followed the corridors. Two Galra ran from the side. Luckily, Keith had great marksmanship skills and shot without taking more than a second to aim. He smiled at his own skill with this new piece of equipment and carried on running. Eventually he arrived at a more advanced version of a lift. He put his hand on it. Galra DNA pumped through him and the door opened. He stepped inside and looked at the buttons. He couldn't read it so he just guessed. The floor he was currently on glowed yellow while the rest were purple so he put his finger on the button two bellow and pressed it. 

     The door opened and Keith was greeted by ten Galra soldiers. All were heavily armed and ready to attack. As soon as one took aim, Keith shot him. He then shot every single one. Killing them in a frenzy. Either these soldiers were slow or he was so fast they couldn't comprehend. He got to some cells and looked at them. Matt must be here. He thought. "Matt! Matt Holt!" He shouted as he made his way down the corridor. "Matt! I won't hurt you! I'm human!" Keith yelled. He sighed at the silence and the plain stares. "I'm Matt." A voice said a little while later. He followed the voice and looked into the cell. An auburn boy stood there, staring at Keith. Keith couldn't tell if it was a welcoming stare or a threatening one. "I'm here to take you to your dad." Keith said. Matt's eyes lit up in disbelief. Keith put his hand on the scanner and opened the door. Matt was let out. "I will free the rest of you in time." He said to the other two in the cell before closing the door.

     The two ran. As they passed the body of a Galra soldier, Matt picked up a weapon. "You dad is injured." Keith said. "A pretty big cut on his head. But he's being taken care of." He was sure that Zacar would take care of the man. "We better get back soon then." Matt said as he shot sentries.  They got into the lift and Keith operated it. In this they managed to have a minute to breathe. "Get ready." Keith said when the lift stopped. "There might be a few squads following us." The lift doors opened and both ran out. "Get to your father Matt! I'll keep watch!" Keith cried. Matt crouched next to his dad who was now leaning against the wall with a piece of cloth on the wound to try and stem the bleeding. Keith stayed by the door, waiting for soldiers. Come on. This has to be Voltron. They have to hurry up. Keith thought anxiously. 

     "Dad. I haven't seen you in so long." Matt grinned with a few tears down his face. Sam put his hand on his son and Matt just dived and hugged him. "I know it's been so long." Sam said. "We will get out of there. See Keith over there. He's connected to Voltron." Sam said Matt turned to Keith. He was wearing the prisoners outfit like everyone else but you could see every crevice of his muscles defined. Matt turned back to his dad. "Does that mean they can take us home? To mom? To Katie?" Matt said with nothing but hope in his voice. Sam now knew that his beloved wife is alone with no one. Sam stuttered. "Katie is a paladin of Voltron. But your mom is still on Earth. Matt we might not be able to go back to her straight away." Sam told his son. Matt looked shocked at this. He turned to Keith. "Keith has Earth been taken over by the Galra?" He asked Keith who was turned the other way still. "Not to my knowledge." Keith said. He really didn't know as he forgot most of what happened before.

     Some soldiers came from both sides, surrounding Keith. He was expecting this sooner. "Matt! Some help?" Keith shouted. Matt picked up the weapon and helped Keith mow down the soldiers. "The more we kill, the more come around." Matt shouted as he shot and killed Galra.  Keith was also doing that, only quicker as he had time to familiarize himself with the weapon beforehand. 

     In the heat of the moment, one slip up could be dangerous. One shot from a Galra, aimed at Matt missed and hit Keith. It sent burns throughout his muscular body and he fell to the floor unresponsive.

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