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No! No! It can't be true! He has to remember me! Lance thought to himself, trying to comprehend what just happened. He opened his bedroom door and stumbled inside. The door shut and he fell against it. "So all that time. All the fights and all the kisses mean nothing?!" He shouted to himself. He hit his head with his hands forcefully "Ahhh! What have I done wrong?" He screamed. He sobbed quietly onto the ground, using his arms to try and cover his face from the shame that he felt. "Lance."  a voice said softly after a knock on the door. It was Hunk. "Lance please." He said again. Lance didn't reply, he couldn't. He hit his head against the door and breathed heavily. "Go away Hunk!" Lance shouted at the friend on the other side of the door. Hunk tried to push the door open, slightly budging Lance but he was unsuccessful in opening the door. "Lance." Hunk said in a quiet and soft tone. "You can talk to me. You're one of my best friends Lance so anything you want to talk about, I'll listen." He waited a few seconds, "Come on. Let me in so we can talk." Lance moved sightly to let Hunk in, He opened the door a little and slipped in. The door shut behind him. Hunk sat next to Lance. "Does he remember you?" Lance asked with cloudy, hurt eyes. Hunk didn't answer straight away, he took a deep breath, "Yes. But only the fact that we're friends and my name." he said to Lance, looking at him deeply.

"And Pidge? Did he remember Pidge?" Lance asked, his hands now starting to shake. He felt that if he did not let his anger and sadness out he would hurt himself even more but right now that had to wait. "Yes. I'm sorry Lance." Hunk said with nothing but sympathy in his voice. "He did remember you." Hunk then said, Lance turned his head to Hunk in shock, he thought that Keith forgot him. "He said 'I remembered his name but I doubt I'm his boyfriend.' So you still have a chance to rebuild the relationship you had together." Hunk tried reassuringly. Lance smiled back and sighed in relief. 


     Matt walked into the infirmary. "Keith. You're awake." He said to the ebony haired boy who just smiled shyly in return. Matt walked closer to Keith and Pidge. Pidge looked to the floor, she refused to make eye contact with Matt. "Katie." Matt said cautiously to his sister. "I am so sorry for hurting you."

"It wasn't me that you hurt!" Pidge screamed before Matt had chance to say anything else. "You attacked Shiro and you doubted him!" Pidge looked into Matt's shocked eyes and Matt saw anger in her eyes. "Whatever the Galra did to you Matt..." Pidge said in a calmer tone, "...Needs to be gone. You can't act like this. You were not like this growing up." Pidge said before looking at Matt's hands, still red. Matt waited a few seconds before saying anything in return, he was compiling all the words in his head to fit into sentences. "You're right." He breathed. "I have changed. The things I saw and the things they did changed me. But I promise you Katie. I'm still the brother you had and I'm still the brother that you will always have. The only thing that kept me going was seeing my family again." Matt finished and put his right hand in front, waiting for Pidge to grab his hand and shake it as a sign that they had made up. Pidge stared at the bruised and bloody hand. She reached out to it before throwing herself onto him in a hug. "Promise me Matt." She whined, "You will never hurt my team ever again." She said. Matt placed his arms around Pidge gently, comfortingly holding her, "I promise."


     Shiro winced slightly as Coran cleared the dried blood from his face. "Sorry Shiro." He said in response as he dabbed the wet cloth on Shiro's face. "What are we going to do with Matt now?" Allura asked the two, not entirely sure on what to do herself. "We keep him here for now, with his family." Shiro said with a wince in between. Coran took the cloth away and put it in a bowl of water before sitting next to Shiro. "He attacked you Shiro!" Allura said firmly in return. "Best bet is to let him out into space with the other prisoners." She said in a still angry tone. Shiro disagreed with her words. He stood up in a challenge to the princess. "No! He's been separated from his family for too long and he was my friend! I'm not giving up on him after a small fight like that!" Shiro said "Even though he does have a good punch." Shiro said, quieter, feeling the open wound on his cheek. Allura took a deep breath in defeat. "Fine." she said before walking out in almost a rage.

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