Mr. Sleep-A-Lot

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December 12th, 2013

Dear Mr. Sleep-A-Lot,

You have been extremely tired lately.

I'll blame it on the rough sports you play that go on late at night. And the fact that your dad makes you study for 2 hours a day.

That's just pure torture and that's coming from a nerd.

Speaking of rough sports, you're making me worried for you like every day. One day you came with a broken finger. The next you say you messed up your ankle. Then you come in with a black eye.

A black eye.

And then you say to not worry for your safety while I clearly am when you're coming in with this amount of injuries. I honestly don't know why my dad wants me to do what you do.

But back to the sleeping, you're sleeping at the most important part of our class, by the way. We got big tests coming up and big labs you need to pay close attention to. Which you are currently lacking at this very moment.

And you're getting yelled at by our teacher that likes you a lot less each time. I would laugh if your grades weren't at stake.

I admit, seeing you sleep almost made me fall asleep a few times. I have never fallen asleep in a class. I have a fear of sleeping in public, anyway, so that's not gonna happen. Your hugs are pretty soft and cuddly so I wouldn't mind if a fell asleep on you.

Let me say that again.

I wouldn't mind if I fell asleep on you, not with you.

Just wanted to get that out of the way.

Wait, you're cuddly like a teddy bear! I shall name you Teddy. My human teddy bear.

Alright, time to annoy you with your new nickname.

Goodnight and Merry Christmas,

Your Worrier

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