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August 22, 2017

Dear Optimist,

So, change of plans. I'm moving into the dorms of my college. It's literally two days before moving day and I have to get everything ready, but I was distracted.

What's gonna happen to us?

We were planning how we were gonna see each other as much as we can before you go off to boot camp and I don't know how we will now. My mom said she'll bring me home on the weekends unless I need to study, but I know for a fact I'm gonna need to study. Especially for English and Math.

We haven't even seen each other since the beginning of our relationship and now I have to leave before you do. It hurts. Not seeing each other. I'm so used to seeing each other every day in school, but if we see each other a lot now, our parents will be suspicious of our secret relationship. 

All I want to do is hold your hand, hug you tightly, and cuddle while watching movies on the couch. I'm guessing that's too much to ask in my life. 

I know that we will do that, but I hope it will be soon. I want one of your oh-so-famous bear hugs you give me and the soft kisses to the cheek or temple you will give me once in a while. 

I messaged you as soon as I knew about it. I was worried you will be upset now that we will be farther away from each other. You, being the optimist of the relationship, made something that was negative from my side to a positive.

You were excited and happy at the fact I was living in the dorms. You said that it will make me have experience living without my parents and that I will be ready to live with you when I'm done. 

When I read your message, my heart swelled so much. We talk about living together all the time and I can't wait for us to live together. I know that in the beginning, we will have to get used to our habits and hopefully will still like each other in the end, but I want to see what will happen.

It made me excited for the future and a bit impatient, too. Now, it feels like time is going the slowest way possible. I know that we should go slow, but after you're statement I just want to know how our lives will be living together now. 

Well, I guess we will have to wait and I'll try to do that patiently.

Always Yours,

Your College Student

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