Authors Note

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So basically this takes place after Crooked Kingdom. Inej has gone off to hunt slavers, Nina is bringing Matthias back home and Wylan and Jesper are enjoying life together. Kaz running the Dregs on his own and plotting his next big heist but someone comes back for revenge.

Important info:

• This story will focus mainly around Kaz and his struggles (PTSD, gang violence, etc).

There will be a lot of violence because it's Kaz and what else would you expect.

Most of the pov's will be Kaz's but I will let you know if it is another character's perspective.

If you have not read Six of Crows and Crooked Kingdom then this will make no sense.

All of the authors notes will be in bold and underlined. The actual text will be normal

This is my first fanfic so wish me luck and lets hope that it is kinda okay.

This takes place six months after Crooked Kingdom.

This will probably be kinda bad and let me know if I make any grammatical error because I can be an idiot sometimes.

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