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Kaz doesn't know whose blood it is. It could be his of it could be the Dime Lions. He felt the metal of the bullet rub against his collarbone when he moves his shoulder. The pain of the wound itself wasn't the worst part. It was the grinding. The feeling of metal scraping against his bone made it almost unbearable.

He limps out of the dark warehouse and hears the sound of his feet walking through wet floors. I had started to rain while he was inside. The water poured down his face as he pocketed a revolver. It was one of Jespers. Not one of his precious ones. Not even Kaz would take those away from him again. It was one of Jesper's old pistols that he didn't use anymore. It was small, but heavy for its size. It had decent aim as well.

Kaz keeps walking away from the building. He needs to get somewhere secure to remove the bullet and stitch the wound before he bleeds out in the mud. He limps down off of the road and into the bushes. If anyone drives down the street then they shouldn't see him.

He stumbles through the closely knit trees and finds a rather dry area where he allows himself to fall to the ground. He pants softly as he reached up and brushes his fingers against the hole in his shoulder. He flinches when he touches the area. "Fuck. I need this to come out now." He mudders as he leans into a tree and looks up at the clouds.

Kaz takes a deep breath before peeling off his coat and pushing the collar of his shirt out of the way. "Shit." He breaths as he looks at the wound. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out his lock picks. He doesn't know if it's going to work but it's his best shot. He breaths in one last time before pushing a pick into the hole in his shoulder. He bites down on his lip as he forces it past the bullet. One down. He slowly repeats the excruciating process with the other pick on the other side. 

He closes his eyes and tries to hold back screams as he starts to slowly work the bullet out of his flesh by pushing the tips of the lock picks together. A small whimper escapes Kaz's mouth as the bullet falls to the ground.

Kaz looks away from the bloody mess on his left side and just tries to relax for a minute. He knows that he needs to get going. It won't be long before Pekka starts to hunt him down for what he did at the warehouse. 

Kaz takes a pocket knife out of the pocket of his pants and starts to cut off the sleeve of his jacket.

He takes the strip of fabric and ties it to his shoulder so it's pressing against the wound. Kaz starts to push himself off the ground and squeaks softly while he gets off the ground.

The world spins around him as he forces himself forward. He just needs to keep going. He needs to get out of this hell hole. Kaz can feel his legs shake as they carry him through the dark woods. The sound of thunderclaps and lightning flashes above his head as he stumbles forward.

His vision blurs as he starts to see lights on the other side of the trees. He is approaching Ketterdam.

Kaz puts all of his energy into one last lung forward before toppling into the streets of Ketterdam. He tries to force himself up but doesn't have the strength left. His vision starts to get darker until he is submerged in the darkness. He feels his body relax until his hands pull him off the ground. He wants to fight against them. He wants to get away but he can't move. Kaz's stomach turns as he is carried away. He doesn't know how long it's been since he blacked out. He can feel his skin crawl on his neck, where a hand is holding him. He feels like water is sliding down his throat and fill his airways. He tries to gasp for air but more water comes in. He tries to squirm his way to the surface but he is too far under. He fights for one last breath before air fills his lungs and light shines in his eyes.

Kaz sees Jespers face over his with a worried expression on it. "He is waking up." He whispers and looks at Wylan who is on Kaz's other side. Kaz feels a sharp pain in the bullet hole and jumps as he feels skin brush his shoulder.

"What the fuck?" He growls and starts to pull away from Wylan and Jesper.

"Kaz, don't move. I'm giving you stitches." Wylan says softly and tries to move with Kaz.

"No. No. Get away from me. I've got it." Kaz snaps and holds his gloved hands out for the needle.

Wylan slowly hands it over without a word. Kaz sighs and starts to stitch his skin back together. He feels each prick of pain as he puts the needle through his skin. He watches the tip of the needle dip in and out of his line of sight.

"Kaz. Where were you?" Jesper asks.

"Taking care of some businesses." Kaz rasps.

"What happened?" Wylan whispers.

Kaz doesn't respond. He just gives him a look that would send one into cardiac arrest.

Wylan adverts his eyes and looks at Jesper instead. Kaz pulls out a pocket knife and cuts the thread. He then buttons up his shirt and gets up, showing no emotion before walking out of the room. He stands on the other side of the wall for a moment and listens closely.

"He had a panic attack while he was out." He hears Wylan whispers.

"I know. It's not like Kaz." Jesper whispers back. Then there is the sound of a person moving across a couch.

Kaz sighs and walks up to his room. He let them see one of his weaknesses. Now that might bury him.

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